Stop! Don't! No.....Please!
My Hairspray gig at CPT has been a riot!
Every night is so much fun. I love the behind stage chatter and comraderie as much as the on stage character and singing. Dave Marsden as Edna is a blast. MaryAnne West plays many parts and is always lovely to be in a show with....and you can't beat crazy, fun Meredith Gibson.
Two headed Big Blonde and Beautiful with Janzel...the other blondes in the cast include Amanda
and Taryn
Every night is so much fun. I love the behind stage chatter and comraderie as much as the on stage character and singing. Dave Marsden as Edna is a blast. MaryAnne West plays many parts and is always lovely to be in a show with....and you can't beat crazy, fun Meredith Gibson.
Two headed Big Blonde and Beautiful with Janzel...the other blondes in the cast include Amanda
and Taryn
The character I a great villainess.
She of course thinks she is perfect and right and all of her opinions and biases are correct. Velma is nuts! 

She doesn't like heavy people, or black people, or rock and roll....just the tried and true, old school mentality......Blackmail!
Velma will lie, cheat and steal to get her much for values.
My sister called me, "Deliciously evil"
I'll take that!
I have received many flattering remarks and sweet comments and notes from so many people.
I have had many people HATE me.....and couldn't believe how crazy I was.
I have also had many people think I look like my mother on the stage.
I had one person ask if I was married to Lyle Cole..........?!? Hello, He's my dad......
That one was weird.
( I guess I should just be grateful to my mother for looking so smashing at her age!)
My all time favorite note is from my UMOZ friend, Laurie. She has perfect calligraphy hand writing-- She is Amahzing...and her note read,
"Melinda....Just three words: You are wicked!"
I say.....Paint me green and get me a pointed black hat!!!
PS.....It's been awesome to share the stage with Jenna and talented neice and nephew.
I'll be sad when this is all over and I'm back to real life.
I hope I can get Wayne to break out in riotous applause for me, every day, as I take my bows.
Always a standing ovation for you!
Cute pics! I have loved watching you in a show. Cant wait to see you in another--or my favorite be in one with you!!! Love you momma
I LOVE this!! You're so wonderful. SO talented. Like I said-now i know where Addison gets it from! I can't wait for Monday!
Loved this post and the pics!! You were awesome in the show. That "Edna" was pretty darn good too. Yada, yada, yada....
#1 I am irritated my comment has to be approved by you...who are you to say what is a good comment.
#2 I love you and have loved getting to know you and now I will blog stalk you.
#3 Don't Suck
Fantastic. Amazing. Talented. So glad I finally saw the show!
I can't believe you kept this secret from us all for so long! But can I tell you how happy this makes me that I can read the words you so elequently write for all the world to see! :) This show would have been not nearly as memorable/fun/happy/something to look forward to/loud/silly/AW-MAZ-ING had you not been in it!
Love you!
You were amazing!! Really. So funny,beautiful voice, talented. No Ser. Not to make this sound creepy, but- best legs in the show. Besides the guy, what's his name?
This is my question: How do you remember all of those lines at your age?? Wow.
I always get a little intimidated when I see you in a show or watch your choreography in another show or hear you sing. I always wonder if you know how out of my league you are.
But if you don't know, I'm not telling.
You are truly amazing, beautiful, and talented! I am lucky to have you for a friend!
Loved you in the show!
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