2. I am thankful Monson is singing a solo in the Valentine's concert at BHS tonight. I am sad I won't be there to hear it first hand, but I have enjoyed his practicing around the house. He taught himself to play the guitar and this song. He pretty much can do what ever he puts his mind to....now if he can just put his mind toward quality things.....his life will be GREAT!
I love watching him perform. Good thing for family and video cameras!
3. I am thankful that Addison and Bre are at the College competition in Los Angeles with each other. They make great scene partners! ( and life partners too) Bre got nominated this year for her work in "Five Carole's for Christmas" She played the darling Carole Ling. Now she gets to perform and compete on the College level. Bre is so vulnerable and receptive as an actress.
I can't wait to hear the outcome. "So far so good," Addison tells me.
4. I am thankful for Wayne. He has been involved in a Congestive Heart Failure study at the U of U this week. He and his brothers are involved because his dad died of this. The brothers all had to eat certain food for 3 days, then go and get hooked up to machines that monitor blood pressure, sodium etc.... This does not sound fun to me, but Wayne is always willing to help out in the name of Science.
5. I am thankful for my job. I get to go in and serve breakfast to the Legislature in the morning. We are part of the online school contingent that is trying to make our presence known. I am not much for politics, but our director is. She is good at staying involved and dragging me along in her wake.
6. I am thankful for sunshine, even if it's just a bit now and then. I need my "D." I have developed a testimony of vitamin D3. I have taken 2000mg a day since September, when I read about the positive results. It's good for bone, breast and immune system care. I can't believe how it kicks the illnesses out of my system and our home so quickly.
7. I am thankful for my dad. He has had a hard 6 weeks since his knee replacement surgery. We pray for him constantly. Things are starting to turn the corner for the better. He is going to therapy and not using his walker. Now if the infected stitches would go away he would be doing great! He put this surgery off because he kept wanting the Lord to tell him if it was a good idea or not. When is the millenium? How many years on this earth did he have left, and will it be worth it?...that sort of thing. He's funny.
8. I am thankful Truman is loving Liverpool, England. He has such a great attitude in his letters. I looked up the Scouse accent and Liverpool on You Tube. It was shocking and difficult to understand. I don't recommend it because of the swear words, but it was an eye opener. I can't believe my baby boy is living there. Wow-- good thing the Lord is on his side.
9. I am thankful for my new calling as 1st counselor in Young Womens. I love serving in the Young Women's organization. Kathleen Newman, the president, is a-ma-zing! I will be laying low for about a month, til my Hairspray show is over, then I can really be of help.
10. I am thankful Hairspray is finally opening. We could use another week, but what show technically couldn't? It will be fun to have a preview audience tonight, the GALA audience on Saturday and finally our first public performance next Tuesday. I love my hobby. I love playing snooty Velma and singing and dancing up a storm. It totally energizes me.
11. I am thankful
#9! you are gonna be amazing! you were in YW's when i first moved into the ward... or you were somehow involved in girls camp that summer. anyway, you were great
#9 is on my hit list! You better be doing everything you can to get me to camp!!!!!
I'm going to change your name from Belinda to Velma. I like it.
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