Legendary like.....Michael Jackson's thriller, Elvis's Blue suede shoes, and Triple Crown winner, Secretariat...
Speaking of Secretariat...

My bladder is as big as a horse's.
Ask Kimi....
Ask Wayne....
Ask my family....
I can drink a 54 ouncer and not blink an eye, or be nervous if a potty is no where to be found.
Sit in the bathroom stall next to mine and prepare to be amazed.
It's a talent......
I'm just sayin......
two of your bestest friends..who live right next to you...are so jealous of your bladder.
It's true. She's amazing. It's also true that I'm jealous. Reminds me of our conversation today about how those who trust their bladders have the cloth seats in their cars. Those, like me and others who will remain nameless, whose bladders aren't so reliable, we go ahead and get the leather seats.
You never know.
Ver word: sphortin
You def need leather seats if you tend to do a little sphortin now and again.
Keems, that thought about the leather seats- you ARE crazy. I'm on the floor.
Yeah, I have always coveted your bladder.
That's hysterical. I'm the same way. I swear sometimes I feel as if people are staring at my stall because they will have peed and washed their hands and I will still be peeing non-stop. I must be breaking records. We should time ourselves lol!
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