Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thankful Thursday-on Wednesday

1. Thankful that Laila day went well. We went to Yogurt stop and loaded up our chocolate yogurt with candy and cookies. Then off to see the movie Babies. It's a documentary that follows 4 babies from birth to one year old. It was really interesting to see how different the African, Mongolian, Japanese and USA babies are raised, and how a like they all are too. It didn't make me baby hungry. It did make Wayne have a nap.

2. Thankful that Truman is doing well in Rochdale, England. His letters are up beat and positive and he is loving his time there. My mother's day call was great. We all gathered around my bed and listened to him on the speaker phone. He is really teaching in a multi national/cultural community of people. He says he lives in little Baghdad. He sees miracles daily.

3. Thankful for Wayne's work. Orders and money may actually be starting to come in. Laila went and checked out Wayne's work. She said it'a a lot bigger than Wayne's old office. Wayne commented, that's because he has to share it with Bob. Laila thought that sounded fun, "it's just like bunking...with a's fun!" Then she looked around and said, "Well, maybe it's not that much fun...."

4. Thankful we only have 10 official school days left.

5. Thankful for prayers. Laila is always praying that Monson will be good at sports and not get hurt; that Truman won't get so many "door slams" as a missionary; that Landon will make lots of money and that Addison will find a job and make money so he can date Bre and have children. I think she has left some steps out of Addison's life, but it's nice all the same.

6. Thankful for other like-minded Missionary parents. We had a fun gathering with a group from our ward. It was great to share our mission boys highs and some lows---what we affectionately call "growth experiences." It was good to hear about gaining weight, having things stolen, living in lava lava's, getting hit by cars, learning difficult languages, eating "weird" food, crazy baptisms.....but all are excited to be out serving the LORD.


Erin Blake said...

Your room color is the color of the room in Blind Side and Sandra Bullock's office color in the movie The Proposal. Can you tell I've been checking out that color for a while? Paired with orange-nice.

Brooke Shoko said...

i have been wanting to see babies for MONTHS. maybe i'll have to call you or something to get more details on how good it really was.

Unknown said...

I can't stop thinking about why not on Thurs????

Kimi said...

I don't know what Si is talking about. Inside joke?

I love inside jokes. I hope to be a part of one someday. Haha! Office line.

Anyway, I loved your post! I do hope Wayne's work takes off and he gets lots of orders and money. I just wish you well like that. No ulterior motives or anything.

I'm thankful for the Welches. Ya'll make this world a better place.