I'm just a little off on my Thankful countdown--26 days of Thanksgiving-- because of the Cruise....so I'm catching up.
I promised myself a thankful thought a day.
I'm thankful for...shoes, especially when it's cold outside....otherwise I'm a barefoot girl!
I'm thankful for...tissues. I tear up a lot and I'm always appreciative of a tissue being handed my way.
I'm thankful for... an electrician who is working away over my head, so my kitchen can get one step closer to being finished before Christmas.
I'm thankful for... texting. I used to be the Anti-text. But with 4 big boys, this is their favorite way to communicate. Wayne was getting all of the scoop, because he texted, and I was being left in the dark. Ain't no fun in the dark....so now I text. I keep informed and get little "I love yous" along the way.
I'm thankful .....that Wayne loves to cuddle and snuggle and spoon!
I'm thankful for....electric garage doors. As I pushed the little button and closed mine tonight, for some reason, my mind flashed back to the prehistoric days when I actually had to man handle the door closing myself.
I'm thankful for...laughter. Gut busting, belly shaking laughter.
I'm thankful for......friends who went to my grandmother's funeral and video taped it for me. Talk about an act of love. I watched it tonight, and laughed and cried.....and just loved it. It wasn't the same as being there, but it was good enough. I especially enjoyed the bloopers with S. and L. whispering and the camera going crazy with pics of an old, bald guys neck folds. It made me cry even harder thinking of my friends sacrifice for me.
I'm thankful
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