Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thankful Thursday—

1. I'm thankful for alarm clocks. When Wayne is out of town, I'm the one who sleeps by and runs the alarm clock. Sometimes I wake up before the alarm clock goes off for fear that I will miss it and then the entire families schedule is upset for the day. I'm so glad when I sleep soundly all night, and then the sweet music of the alarm clock wakes me up at 6:30. I would probably be more thankful if I could just sleep in ….but alas, I have stuff to do. I guess I'm thankful I have stuff to do, too.

2. I'm thankful for stretchy pants…..they always fit !

3. I'm thankful for neighbors who help me with my Laila. They help by getting her off to school in the morning, or letting her hang out at their homes. It's so great to live in a happy and safe place.

4. I'm thankful for McDonald's drive through and Diet Coke at 8am to get me through the school testing days.

5. I'm thankful that there are Angels among us.

6. I'm thankful for modern day conveniences like microwaves, cell phones and "women" supplies.

7. I'm thankful none of my children are sick right now, knock on wood….maybe I've jinxed them all now, just by acknowledging it…..yikes….pretend like I didn't even write this.

8. I'm thankful for the Special Mutual's annual production. I just got back from watching my sweet-sister-in-law Holly be a Lady Bug in this wonderful show. I cry every year, and count my blessings, and cry some more. What a blessing to have such wonderful people- angels- who help us all be more Christ like. It's so inspiring when there is a stage full of special spirits singing , "I am a Child of God."

9. I'm thankful


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