My period started 4 days early, while in China, and lasted over a week! I blame it on the 11 airplane flights and my body not knowing what time it was for quite a while. But still, where's the fairness in an 8 day period?
Where is the fairness in even having a period when I'm well beyond child "patience" years?
Now...I have PMS---- Post Menstrual Syndrome.... ( I actually had to ask Truman how to spell Menstrual and he knew.....hmmmm?)
I ran out of my DHEA...my lifesaver....and I'm screaming at everyone and anyone who gets in my way....particularly if you are under 4 feet tall....
I actually have had my PMS symptoms totally handled for the last 2 years thanks to DHEA-- and I can't believe I let myself run out of it. I had my CHINA stash in a baggy, but I didn't remember that my bottle was empty....and now my family all gets to suffer.
10 days to CHRISTMAS......BAAAAAAAH!!
I'm eating everything in sight....
I'm bloated...nothing fits.... okay all of the Christmas goodie eating might be the reason for this, but who knows?
I'm mad......
I'm sad....
I'm bad...
I have tooo much to do..... maybe taking a 13 day vacay right before the BIG holiday, wasn't such great timing?
I'll take 2 DHEA and be better in the morning..
Ok, what is DHEA, and I'm pretty sure I need it. I have the worst PMS and poor Brian is the one that suffers so please let me know what that is, and I'm sure Brian will thank you!!!
WHAT?? You still have a period??
I need to know what DHEA is as well!
I used to have week long periods before I had the kids. But I also had a 36 day cycle. Eeeps. Don't miss that at all.
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