I have three sizes of clothing in my closet.
Three sizes that haunt me.
I have the 14, which in desperation I had to buy because I grew out of my 12's. I have size 12 which is okay and where I live some times, but I'd rather be a 10. And the size 10. I'm not unrealistic enough to insist on an 8, just a 10.
A 10-- doesn't that sound like a positive size?
My 10's just hang there, looking at me, hoping they'll get to be worn out in the daylight again. Knowing that for years in a row, I wore them. They are sick of their dungeon of darkness which is now their home. The 10's are probably jealous of the 12's which are currently in use. I can hear the 12's bragging to all of the other clothes about how "popular" they are. The 14's were never really wanted, so they have a self image problem. The 14's were worn and purchased out of frustration-- they knew their wearer (me) never really loved them.
But the 10's were purchased and worn in happier times. Times of high self esteem, filled with an active life style, so they wonder why they have been rejected for so long.
My friend L. has found the solution to this three size in a closet problem-- she just got rid of all of the stuff that doesn't fit her. She now has about 10 things left in her closet. She's a bit different than me, she can afford to just buy whatever when she isn't fitting anymore. She can buy smaller or bigger. No more clothing "jealousies" in her closet.
I, on the other hand, don't throw my "anything" away....I just keep looking at it and it mocks me. Some days I have enough guts to actually think I can squeeze back into my 10's. It's not a pretty sight. I definitely don't wear them out in public-- but I hope to some day.
So my closet is packed full of out of date size 10's, some in style 12's, and really current-- but least favored 14's. What's a to do?
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