Saturday, February 6, 2021

Winter hiking

 We have spent the last two Saturday's with our Wangsgaard friends HIKING.  Linda and I never thought we could get Wayne and Tim up at 6:30 on a Saturday to go walk a freezing cold mountain, but we promised brunch afterward and it happened. 

We hiked the 29th street Trail in Ogden that ends up at Waterfall Canyon.   It was GORGEOUS.  The frozen waterfall that was white and blue, like sea glass blue, was incredible.  The hike was kind of steep and snow makes it harder to maneuver, but being outside and seeing all of the pretty just keeps me going.    We went with Tim and Linda and their friends Kim and Kevin.

Then we got off the mountain and went to Grannie Annie's restaurant in Kaysville for their giant scones and hash. 

We hiked up Green Pond trail which is on the way to the Solitude Ski resort off of Trapper's loop.   We thought we were on the trail, but we were sinking in snow up to our thighs... we finally found the real trail and we were much more successful.   It was a sunny, blue sky hike.   Linda brought her sled, which is always a good time on the downhills.  this hike was easy ( except for the beginning off the trail part. ). Tim brings his drone and once we get to our destination, he flies it around and gets amazing aerial shots.  

Then we went to Pig in a Jelly jar on 25th street in Ogden... their chicken and waffles and beignets are all amazing. 

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