Friday, October 9, 2020


What power does the President of the United States really have over my day to day life? 

POTUS sets the tone for the country, and currently the tone is divisive and racist.  

The POTUS is mainly the face of the country. He handles foreign relations, connects with citizens, and informs the country on certain events and politics. (More so now than usual)

I'm not saying the POTUS has no power, but it is absolutely minuscule when compared to Congress.

However, he does have certain powers like the “executive order” or “veto” among other things. These are the most powerful tools the POTUS can use.

(The executive order is basically a bill that is deemed necessary and proper by the Supreme Court. It is allowed to slice through Congress if it is deemed constitutional. However, it is quite difficult to get the Judicial Branch to back you on most orders.

The veto is basically a way for the POTUS to reject any bill that comes to him through Congress. When a bill is vetoed it must get 2/3rds majority in both the House and Senate. This is very difficult, so it basically stops the bill altogether.)

POTUS can put forth names for judges and fill Supreme Court Justice seats, (that Congress has to vote on too.) 

POTUS cannot get rid of abortion- whether it’s tied to the Republican platform or not.  I have voted Republican presidents in for this issue alone over and over…and it’s NOT under HIS power. 

The president does not make water run out of my faucet nor electricity flow when I flip a switch in my home. He doesn't cause potholes to be filled in my neighborhood streets or decide school issues.  On the local level my vote may count even more...because these are the issues that affect my day to day.  

What affects my gay sons,  my lesbian sister and my trans friends day to day is keeping the laws of the land open and available and full rights secured for all sexualities.  ( I don't want a President to take away these rights.)

How much of a difference will it really make in my life whether the Republican or the Democrat becomes POTUS? 

I realize there's massive disagreement on this point, but I think that the legislative and judicial difference is less than some people may think.  

THE difference is — the President sets the TONE for the country….and I cannot abide 4 more years of Trump’s TONE.  I am voting Democrat for the first time in my life. 

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