Thursday, August 20, 2020

What does it mean to be part of this family?

A text convo:  

Wayne:  It means we will all be loved no matter what.

Laila:  You're there for each other.

Lexi:  You are accepted for you, always.

Addison:  It means having grandma Welch's eyes and Grandpa Welch's hair( unless you're Truman, Lail or an in-law). Expressing vocally what we love and admire about each other on our birthdays.  Making an effort to visit family and loved ones on Sundays.  Singing, "were you there" on Christmas eve.  Saying yes to playing games and making memories with each other even when we don't really feel like it. AND.. NOt forcing people to do things they don't feel like doing.  Believing people are more important than things.  Being interested and knowledgeable about each other and how we tick - COor code, love language, enneagram, and loving and accepting this group of people no matter what their politics, gender, sexuality, etc....are and spreading that love outward.  

Landon:  It means all Addison said and all everyone else said.  IT also means never having to worry about being myself.  It means I know who I am, where I come from and am able to dream about a brighter future because all of the love and support I'll ever need is always there and readily available.  And it means having besties always and forever and no matter what. 

Bre:  It means I have a team who I know are rooting for me, and who I root for.  Laughing at and accepting our sometimes shared weaknesses and shortcomings and celebrating each other's successes.

Addison:  We rise above the turkeys and go to Bear Lake in the summer. 

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