Friday, April 3, 2009

Food Storage

I found this on a blog by Lorinda...

over at

and just loved it!

I had to'll get a kick out of this one, and want to move to Georgia with me. ENJOY!


Without a doubt, food storage is important. And if you didn’t believe it before, do you not believe it now? With our economy in such a mess and a debt that will take a scary amount of years to pay off?
Oy and vey. Know what I’m sayin‘?


.So two days ago, on my anniversary, my husband and I picked up some food storage items.

.Here is my favorite place to acquire food storage-

2smartcookies Guest Post: Lorinda

And here are my two favorite cookies to store from Two Smart Cookies-
Their Chocolate Chip Cookie-

 Guest Post: Lorinda

And their Sugar Cookie-

 Guest Post: Lorinda

Their seasonal Sugar Cookies never disappoint. Gorgeous every time.

But just because you don’t live in Georgia doesn’t mean you can’t store this local delicacy. You can order these food storage items online!

.Just go here-

You may not have realized that you can store cookies- but you can!!

And here is where…..

bigbooty1 Guest Post: Lorinda


And here-

bigbooty2 Guest Post: LorindaBam!

And you’ll have to store here too-

bigbooty3 Guest Post: Lorinda

When those places fill, you can store here.

bigbooty4 Guest Post: Lorinda

Some people may find it rude to flaunt your food storage, but hey… you can’t apologize for preparedness and obedience.

.Oh!Oh! Don’t forget- to rotate, you need to consume the cookies often.

And remember, if we ever have a famine, the skinny chics go first.


And those that have stored cookies will get to suffer longer.

Hey, wait a minute…..


Unknown said...

So funny. that last picture reminded me of part of Barbara Thompsons talk at the Gen RS training the other day, she said that when she gave her first talk at gen conference- A friend told her she did a great job, and it didn't even look like she had a double chin on TV!! Nice.

H.K. said...

(LOL!)I've got the same type of food storage!