Thursday, January 30, 2025

Andrew's Symphonic Choir

Andrew played 1st cello in Viewmont’s Symphonic chorus.  It’s the Orchestra, band and Choir kids all performing together.  It was really beautiful.  These kids are so good and the music they are singing and playing is really difficult.  They were preparing for state and to head to St. George for the Music teacher’s conference.  At the end, the choir teachers said, “If these were athletes heading to state we would cheer them on… so I would like the audience to form a tunnel that the students will come off the stage and go up the aisle and out into the lobby. And I want you to cheer them on.”   

 The audience all moved as directed and we cheered and hollered for these kids for 15 minutes by the time they all funneled off the stage.  I had tears coming down my cheeks.  It was really sweet.  These students are performing at the top of their craft and deserve to be celebrated.  I’m so proud of Andrew for playing his cello and being involved in this… Then they went home on Wednesday night and packed their bags to head to St. George for the conference, Zions National Park and a backstage tour of Tuacahn.  Oh fun! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Laila's 23rd birthday

 We are in Oceanside, California celebrating my baby girl's 23rd birthday.  Laila is easy to love.  She is genuine and interested.  She's a great listener, polite, and very grateful for even the smallest gesture. She is empathetic and cares deeply and I love to hear her belly laugh.   She can't walk by a person with their hand out and not give something. Just yesterday on a corner in Carlsbad, CA a man had a sign saying "My mom is sick, anything would help"..and she gave him a dollar.  Of course, she did...that's who she has always been.  

When I'm around her I'm reminded how very different we are. 

 She likes Anime and horror shows I prefer rom-coms and reading books.  Laila moves methodically and thinks about things and plans, I move fast and I am spur of the moment. Laila is very aware of germs and washes her hands a lot, I will eat food dropped on the floor (5-second rule).  She likes subdued colors and neutrals, I like bright colors.  She is an animal lover, I'm an animal tolerator.  She doesn't understand sarcasm...and is very sincere.  I have had to learn to NOT be sarcastic.  She reminds me to slow down and I remind her to lighten up.

At one point I hoped I would have a daughter JUST LIKE ME... who liked to go shopping, and play games, and sing loud, and be crafty, and love being involved at church, and being around people, a daughter who would sit and talk about ALL of the things with me and share her deepest thoughts and dreams with a daily phone call.  That's not who I got.  

We are very different from each other, and that's what makes it special.

I let Laila be Laila and she lets me be me.  I want Laila to be the most Laila she can be, and I get to love her and be her biggest cheerleader.  

She loves Din Tai Fung.... well, we all do... so that's her birthday spot.  The Soup dumplings, Cucumber salad and Garlic green beans are life changing!    We did a little shopping, and also got some Salt and straw ice cream...the flavors are scrumptious and non-dairy!  

I made Laila and I matching sweaters.  She picked out the yarn in November, and now I'm done crocheting.  She loved it!  We decorated her place, and had cake and a silly string war- to celebrate.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Grandkid Game night round two

First Grandkid game night of the new year. It’s been awesome to have all the cousins together without their parents.  They love seeing each other and have a great time, even with the wide range of ages.  We love it when Andrew and Sophia come…Sophia is like the pied piper and the kids ( including Andrew) do everything she says.  She taught them all some band/theatre games… "Bunny Bunny" and "Ninja" and they also played, "Down by the Banks."  

It was loud and crazy and they laughed a ton, and loved it.  
We served our usual, nuggets and fries…along with a fire pit for smores..and outside games…red light, green light and Mother May I… (with Sophia-it’s a hoot)  At the end of the night it had been so noisy— George screams when he gets riled up— that we instituted a whisper zone and only spoke like that for about 45 minutes.  

As I was enjoying the chaos of the night… Andrew and Sophia playing at the piano, Alfie learning a magic trick, Elsie and Tayla coloring at the table, George running around and Poppy and Lady playing Barbies… I was washed with such a feeling of gratitude that I get to be a part of these beautiful children’s lives.  It was really sweet and for one brief second I glimpsed heaven.  We will do it again in February.

All of the girls hod to borrow a coat from me so we played, who looks the most like Meema

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Finger knit animals


I finger knitLucky-ducks for the little grand girls and a Wish-fish for George.  They love them!  They are soft and squishy and we will see how long George's stays stuffed...