BEAR LAKE 2024 is in the books!
My 62nd birthday was excellent. Addison made me a balloon crown and scepter. I had a lot of friends and family reach out to wish me a happy one. I spent all day on the beach with family and then Mexican food at Cafe Sabor for dinner and Games at night.
We take our yearly SIBLING pic at the beach. Angela, Liz, Adam and Me

The first day we had a small beach front with only one of our tents on the water… the Second day we were on the second row… so by morning 3 Wayne set his alarm and went down at 5:40am Sunrise set up. We got the property we wanted and the sunrise was Gorgeous. He got up every morning to make this happen. IT was busy beach year.
We love taking our bikes to Bear lake and we rode 31 miles to celebrate my birthday. ( I turned 62 so I did half my age) Wayne also went 51 miles around the lake on Friday.
Most everyone came to our COLE reunion. Only missing Laila and Alex Buzelli from our family and Aaron and Kass from Adam’s family.
First hour while loading in condos Sophia jumped down the stairs landed in a slippery rug and twisted her ankle. It’s bad. So much pain. Next morning Wayne drove her down to nstacare in Logan for an x ray –nothing broken. Just a bad sprain. So this has curtailed a lot of Sophia’s activity and enthusiasm. She couldnt even walk up or down the stairs. Had to scoot on her butt or be carried. We called the Ideal beach office and they sent a golf cart to help her get to the beach. Landon came up in Wednesday with a cane. He convinced her to walk, “ it’s going to hurt and that’s correct.” As the week progressed her ankle improved and she’s doing better. One morning She and Andrew brought their saxophone and trumpet down to the beach and played their songs while standing in the water- it was a sight to behold.

We rented Wave runners. On my turn, I left my hat knowing it would blow off but I forgot about the air pod in my ear. I noticed this while going 30 mph when it started to jostle out of my ear, so I put it in my swim suit cleavage. All was well. As I’m 20 feet from shore to trade riders I reach in and get the ear pod then flung it into the water. I don’t know what happened. A spasm? I couldn’t believe it. So I yelled to shore- Monson and Lexi to come look with me. The water was about up to our thighs. It was pretty clear so we walked and looked in a certain area. Lexi actually saw it. Monson went under to get it. And it was a miracle that we found it. And it still works.
Markus was here for a day. So fun to have him at Bear Lake with us. He took Alfie and Tayla Mini golfing. Went and got a Raspberry Shake..
Family beach picture happened on Thursday. We were missing a few. Then the traditional water fight after. Liz and Al bring the guns. They also bring the bats and balls for a little batting practice and softball game. Dad would be so proud. Alfie and Jonas and Jamie couldn’t get enough and Al pitched ball after ball.
Bear Lake is truly a kids paradise. Where cousins become friends.
Pizza on beach for our last night and we stayed out there through the golden hour. All got in the lake for one last water soak.
Glow stick dance party was a hit. We invited Rooney Call over to participate with the other kids and we danced and danced and danced till we got so sweaty we had to stop.
We went to Laurie and Jordan's ranch for smores and games.
Our Bear lake condo life is really just like condo camping. We are on top of each other. It’s so nice to have two condos instead of one so we can spread out a little bit but those little kids just love it. Fans and white noise makes it so everyone can sleep. Except me. I have to use a head pillow to plug my ears and eyes.
Addison had his little family pack up then go down to the beach and say goodbye til next year and they all cried.
Landon was so great to blow up his big island and take it out into the water every day so everybody could swim out and hang out in the water. He also would bring his kids paddle boards down and blow all that up every day so people could play on those. AND he was the adult on the water trampoline for THREE hours!
Monson and Lexi slept in the main room in a Murphy bed this worked out ok cuz their girls are up at night a ton. Monson went golfing 4 different mornings with the golf crew- Adam, Liz and Al and an assortment of cousins
Rachel and Becca Call brought all of the bracelet making stuff again and boondoggle stuff and we spent a ton of time- especially Addison boondoggling under the shade looking out onto the water.
We played games on the beach - a ton of card games. The kids this year are loving Cover your assets and Skyjo
I cried here and there this week as well. Missing my parents and mom’s sandwich shop for lunch. I played Chicago’s “Saturday in the park” to honor Marcie. I was in the hammock with little blonde haired George snuggled up on one side and my Truman on the other George’s little head looks just like Tru’s when he was little. I miss that little kid– Tru was so entertaining then and he is now as well. I kissed Wayne by the side of the condo where we shared first kisses. Playing kanasta with my 4 boys and teaching Sophia the game. Love the laughter and trash talking. Happy Tears come easy on a week like this.