Wayne and I get to serve on a subcommittee for the temple open house. We are working with YSA and SA wards and stakes to have them come through as a group. We have set apart thousands of tickets for four Mondays in a row to facilitate this happening. We are working under Melinda Checketts from our home ward. We moved in and she put us on this committee and we are so appreciative. It has been a blessing to get to know her and more people in our ward and to serve at the Temple.
Monday, April 29, 2024
Layton Temple Open house
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Teacher meetings
I had my annual teacher meetings in St. George. It's always good to be face-to-face with my fellow teachers instead of online. I work with an awesome, collaborative, helpful group who want the best for everyone involved. It's a wonderful work environment and culture.
Laura Belnap, our fearless leader, asked Sandi Hendly to come and present and talk about Minky Couture and their theme of "Blanket the world" and giving back. She's a former teacher who retired after 30 years in the classroom and is now running a million-dollar business. Sandi also gave every teacher 0 over 200 of us) a FREE minky of any size. We felt very seen and appreciated.
Monday, April 22, 2024
Grandkid Game night April
Grandkid game night was so fun.
We gathered for pizza and breadsticks, then piled George into the wagon along with waters, wet wipes, bandaids just in case and duck food and set off to the park west of Layton High. As we walked to the park and the ducks, the kids did the “trucker pump” with their arms to see how many cars they could get to honk at them…almost all did, and every time the kids gave off a cheer. We also found a pile of pennies and dimes on a lone stretch of sidewalk by a field…so we collected our treasure.
Poppy got a ride in the wagon and some duck food and all was right with the world again. We found 14 baby ducks and lots of birds and it was really cool. The kids played a big game of Red Light, Green Light then back to the playground for more games of Marco Polo on the playground and more swings. It was getting colder and at sunset, we walked back to my house, taking turns in the wagon and getting cars to honk at us again.
Back at home we had popsicles, ice cream and cookies….and I had baseball caps for each grand to choose and color..and some coloring pages. Then we took some pics and played Who is It, and Head bandz. By the time my boys pick up their kids at 10 pm, everyone is TIRED! Ahhhhh….. all this without Poppa Wayne… he was sad about it in China.
I'm so blessed...Halelujah I'm blessed!
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Easter time
Happy Easter!
What a gorgeous, rainy, cold day we have to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I’m pretty sure Jesus didn’t bother with the weather, there were more important things on his heart..but the weather bothers me. I did get a cute Easter dress with a bright orange jacket to wear over it…so I’ll stay warm. Easter church was good. We went to Add and Bre’s church to hear their little family sing, “Gethsemane” which was beautiful, then back to our ward to sing in our ward choir, “Consider the lilies of the Field.” Our ward choir is pretty good. Then back to Addison and Bre’s home for Easter dinner. We had a tea patry with cucumber and coronation chicken sandwiches..and macaroons. The deviled eggs did not turn out– so that was a bust, but we also had chicken shishkabobs, Wayne’s bread and carrot cake without raisins… then we all piled into our cars and visited Wanee and Holly to wish them a Happy Easter. It was good for Wayne and I to review our Israel pictures and remember all of our experiences and feelings we had while walking where Jesus walked back in Nov. 2022. So grateful for this time.
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Me telling the easter Jesus story to the grands. |
I love Easter. I love the weeks leading up to it, the continual messaging on my socials about Jesus and his Love, and thinking and reading about the last days of Jesus' life and his ministry again and again.
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The Easter bunny??? or Santa Claus? |
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How George eats apples....... I find these discarded all over my house. |
I felt compelled to share my testimony, my belief in Jesus Christ with all my kids this year…
On this Easter, I want to share with you my beliefs about Jesus Christ. I believe he was on earth to teach us what life is truly about…love… and to help us get better at loving and serving and forgiving one another.
I believe He prayed and bled in Gethsemane, taking upon himself all of our sins, weaknesses, and struggles. He was betrayed by a friend and sent to the cross to be crucified. I believe He died for us… and rose again on the third day. And because of this, our lives can be filled with light. We can turn our thoughts and deeds back to God—back to goodness— again and again.
I love my Jesus. I love the reminder He is to me to love better, love all, love generously and compassionately.
What I gain from being involved in the gospel of Jesus Christ far outweighs the challenges. My belief in an afterlife, living with God and seeing my parents and loved ones again comforts me and gives my life purpose. My belief in forever families keeps me invested in my earthly relationships.My belief in Jesus fills me with peace, hope, joy and love. I feel it. I believe it. I have experienced it. It brings perspective and a magical, miracle filled life.
I love you all. Happy Easter. Christ is risen.. He is risen indeed!