What does it look like to live a life of faith?
Allow for growth and change in my faith and looking forward to the transitions. Knowing my faith won’t be black and white forever if I have things that don’t “fit” then I will move into a nuanced faith. And knowing this I also realize there are some black and white faith people who will always be there. The world works for them-- nothing to fit or fix. And I need to have love for them as well, and not be frustrated by them.
Gather people of faith to discuss things. Share podcasts and talks and insights. Ponder on spiritual things.
Have questions and doubts and move forward anyway within the church, because I choose to have a life of faith.
Want to be in the scriptures. I do this daily with Book of Mormon chapter, a Come Follow Me podcast about it and a chapter in the New Testament- which keeps me close to Jesus.
Want to be interested in what the Prophet says at General Conference.
Want to serve in the church. This is a blessing for me and helps in my growth.
Living a life of faith means I sit in uncomfortable feelings. Be completely honest with myself and with God when I struggle. Know that I can have difficult conversations- (I actually look forward to these.)
Jesus Christ served and loved and physically went to the outsiders, the marginalized. Do as he did and challenge my self to seve the ones on the edges; the ones not like me.
My life is a Love story. God loves my people more than I ever could. I do what I can to preserve relationships whether in or out of the church.
I can rest in the fact that GOD - the all powerful, all knowing eternal God in heaven is far more interested in the soul of my child than I ever could.