I'm in a band!! I always wanted to say those words and have them be true.
I call it a geriatric band because we play at rest homes all over the Wasatch Front....but only on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. I get to do this gig with Garth Oborn, Nick Cash, and Rob Nisbett on Guitar with Angie Smith, Maren Thomasma, and Kimi Farley as back up singers. Kimi also adds flute playing to a couple of songs including "California Dreaming." Add Bob Farley on the Keyboards and base guitar and Emily Farr showing up every once in a while for a solo-- she just had a baby. Wayne comes and runs the sound board.
It's been a blast. Singing old, feel-good tunes is fun. You are my Sunshine, Take me out to the Ballgame, How great thou art, Amazing Grace, This little light of mine, Ferry cross the Mersey, You were on my Mind, California Dreamin, Sweet Caroline, Bye Bye love, I can See clearly now, Angel from Montgomery, I'm a Believer and Heavenly Father loves me/Give said the Little Stream. We are currently working on a Christmas set.