Divinely inspired Constitution and Founding Fathers talk September 17, 2023
Where were you on Sept 11, 2001? You ask anyone older than 26 and they will tell you where they were when the 9-11 attacks happened. I was a teacher at Bountiful High just starting school when a student ran in my room saying she heard something on the radio on her way to school and demanded we turn on the tv…which we did and then all sat there stunned not understanding what we were seeing.
After the Twin Towers fell on Sept 11, 2001, members of Congress stood side by side on the steps of the US Capitol and sang, “God Bless America.” It wasn’t because they were united in their views on America. They came together in patriotism and bonded in the cause of America. And that made all the difference.
The Feeling in our country, after this horrible thing happened was one of unity, one of loyalty…like we got each other's backs- we are all in this together.
On September 11, 2001, Americans demonstrated our strength as a nation. We showed that in times of crisis we can rise above our differences and come together, united as a nation.
Today it looks/ feels like we have a divided Country ––— It’s the two extreme sides that make the news– and fill social media. But I believe most of us fall somewhere in the middle, and it’s good to be reminded about the divine beginnings of our country.
We have been asked to speak on the divine origins of the US Constitution and the divine calling of the Founding Fathers.
So now you may be sitting there thinking….Are you freaking kidding me? A talk about the Constitution and our founding fathers in sacrament meeting? I came to hear about Jesus!!
Stick with us. Jesus is involved in and around all of this.
It’s pretty popular nowadays to “dis” on historical figures, to tear them down…George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and the rest owned slaves, weren’t good people etc…….they run the risk of being canceled in today's culture.
Ted Stewart- federal judge, author – shares this thought: : “ Today it is common to criticize the founders of America. Judging them by today’s standards of equality and justice they do fail. Some owned slaves, none fought to give women equal rights. Most were wealthy white men. Yes, judging the founders by today’s standards of equality and justice they fail. But there is just one problem with judging them by today’s standards and it is this: but for those imperfect founders and sacrifices that they made and the instruments of government which they created, there would be no current, enlightened standards of equality and justice by which to judge them.”
The reason we can freely criticize, protest, vote for change, run for office and exercise freedom of religion or irreligion as we choose is for one reason and one reason only –because the Founding Fathers made it so. We are part of the greatest democracy the world has ever known. Elder Tad R. Callister adds this….. “It seems somewhat hypocritical to enjoy the good fruits of liberty today while at the same time criticizing the very tree that produced such fruit– namely, our Founding Fathers.”
Our Founding Father’s were instruments in God’s hands. And did you know that Wilford Woodruff records a vision in 1877 of the Founding Fathers along with other eminent men and women asking to get their temple work done?
But….Here’s the thing…back in colonial times George Washington didn’t know he was going to be THE George Washington. Thomas Jefferson didn’t know he was THE Thomas Jefferson. They were just men trying to do something new and ispired that benefited all people. They were flawed humans, just like the rest of us and God worked through them.
God has a habit of doing this. Joseph Smith was a flawed 14 year old farmboy and God worked through Him to bring about the restoration of our church and the translation of the Book of Mormon.
Moroni was flawed– and God worked through Him.
Mormon 9: 31 Condemn me not because of mine aimperfection, neither my father, because of his imperfection, neither them who have written before him; but rather give thanks unto God that he hath made manifest unto you our imperfections, that ye may learn to be more wise than we have been.
…And now he graces the top of many of our temples.
Here’ what’s cool……We are all flawed humans and God can work through us too!
The Founding Fathers were divinely inspired, and they carved out an inspired document. Our Constitution. The first time I was aware that we even had a constitution was as a child watching Schoolhouse rock on Saturday morning cartoons, maybe if you are of a certain age you remember it too.
“We the People (of the United States), in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America. “
As inspired as the Constitution is, the Founding Fathers repeatedly declared that it could not exist as a viable document unless first and foremost there existed a moral people. They also knew a nationally mandated religion would never work
Thomas Jefferson wrote; “Jesus’s moral laws are the most sublime and benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man. “
George Washington concurred: “It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey HIS will.”
He also said…. “OF all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity – religion and morality are indispensable supports.”
The Founding Fathers referenced religion as well as morals because they knew that religion was the best catalyst for fostering a moral people. They knew that religion was the prime source to inspire morality. Our Founding Fathers understood this principle–the more morality of the people and religion there is, the less the need for government intervention and the greater our liberties.
So how do we stay a moral and religious people? How do we inspire others to want to be moral and religious? How do we take care of, support and defend the Constitution today? I offer 5 ideas.
We live our religion. We do this by example. We let others see that our religion makes us happy, and gives us hope. It energizes us and we look forward to coming together on Sunday. We support each other all along our various spiritual paths. It helps us to become a more loving and less judgmental people.
We work on building the spirit of unity in your family, our neighborhood, our ward, and city…We serve in the community.
We can do this by getting to know our neighbors- even when it’s hard. Even when it’s out of our comfort zone. … we extend our social circles. Talk to people who are different than you. It doesn’t take very long….like 6 seconds. In 6 seconds we can put back into the world what fear and hate threaten to take away: goodness, kindness, compassion, inclusion, acceptance, hope, peace, and love.
We help others and are patient with them - the man crossing the street so slowly , the cashier at Winco who messes up, the driver who didn’t signal changing lanes…patience and civility build unity.
I would like to share a quote from the Lord of the Rings, the book of Gandolf: “Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but this is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay…small acts of kindness and love.”
We turn off the 24 hour news cycle— so divisive, – turn off the one sided- slanted cable news…. it is not good for us. It creates Fear… and GOD wants us to live in faith and trust, not fear.
We don’t pass on digs about politicians and parties, or repeat talking points prepared by people who want to stoke division… or share “mean,” albeit sometimes funny, memes and tweets. We unfollow any media that encourages an “us vs. them” mentality, or that constantly tells you “the other side” hates America. Please unfollow them.
You may be thinking…”but I’m right. I have a right to act this way and put others down. They are wrong. I am right. I’m totally justified.” As President Benson’s landmark talk on Pride tells us: This thinking is pride. “The central feature of pride is enmity—enmity toward God and enmity toward our fellowmen. Enmity means “hatred toward, hostility to, or a state of opposition.” It is the power by which Satan wishes to reign over us.”
Pride gets ahold of our hearts and traps us. When we don’t want to let go of that…when we want to stay annoyed, or bitter or angry with someone else or a group of people, that is pride. Any time we elevate ourselves above others and seek to diminish others..it is pride. Judgment of others, Anger and resentment is a win for Satan. This is not how our Heavenly Parents want us to feel or to be. This is Satan’s playbook.
Humility is required to get out of this pride cycle …to do as Jesus wants us to do… more humility to live the 2nd great Commandment: LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Which leads to… #5. We fill our lives with Jesus and his teachings and try to be like him…try, try, try.
The best laboratory for becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ is in our family and church..and our country. WHY? Because we don’t choose it– beyond our spouse and where we live. In a family, ward, and country WE rub shoulders with those who are not like us. People who don’t believe as we do. Who do life differently than us. It’s easy to like the people who are like us. To talk nicely to the people who think like us and say the things we say, believe as we do. But Jesus didn’t ask us to just do that. He asked us to Love EVERYONE. Even the ones who are different from us, who disagree with us. When we practice what Jesus taught… we practice becoming more Christian.
Pres Nelson: “ The best is yet to come for those who spend their lives building up others. Today I invite you to examine your discipleship within the context of the way you treat others. I bless you to make any adjustments that may be needed so that your behavior is ennobling, respectful, and representative of a true follower of Jesus Christ.”
One of the toughest things to live, is Jesus’ injunction to love our enemies. It goes against the natural man. It’s counterintuitive and counter-cultural. Social media isn’t helping. We live in a world that glorifies violence. But the Savior and our prophet preach agape love. Love your enemies kind of love. It’s hard…and it’s worth it. It’s a refusal to see the other person as an "other", but as a child of GOD.
Years ago I had such a hard time with a certain politician. I felt such vitriol for this person. I was mad every time their name came up, or I saw what was said in the news or tweeted out or on social media. I was just uptight and mad, and aggressive towards this person all of the time. I was filled with Judgment. Then I realized this wasn’t serving me and I was not living as a disciple of Christ. I prayed for help. Then I realized…My mad- my angst- this politician wasn’t feeling it— only I was feeling it. It wasn’t ruining their life— it was ruining mine.
I leaned on my Savior. The spirit spoke to me. I was reminded we are all children of God— even this person.
Now when these feelings of “rile” start to boil up I remind myself of what we have in common instead of how different we are.
I repeat:
This person is a child of God and so am I
This person is a flawed human - I am a flawed human.
This person has a mother- I have a mother
This person wants to be loved - I want to be loved.
We can do this process not just with politicians who bug us— but with everyone we meet.
It’s called following Jesus.
Here’s the deal: You can choose to believe whatever you want to believe. So believe in a loving God, believe that our Heavenly parents know what’s going on, believe that it will all work out. Trust that God’s hand is in all of this. Because it is.
I hope we can remember the importance of our constitution and the divine calling of our founding fathers. I know when we focus on Jesus Christ and His beautiful gospel we can all try to be more like him – more loving and united, which makes us better citizens.
I have a testimony of this…and I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, My brother and Redeemer…amen.