This is what LEXI wrote about Monson for his birthday...
He’s 30, he’s flirty (to me) and he’s THRIVING!
Here are 3️⃣0️⃣ things that we love about our boi!
1. Lady loves when he tells her he’s sorry after Elsie is rude and doesn’t apologize. (Typical Lady answer. #middlechildsyndrome 🤣)
2. Tayla loves that he plays games with her.
3. Elsie loves when he lets her watch him play video games. (Not play with him. Just watch him…)
4. His sense of humor.
5. That he loves reality TV
6. His hugs.
7. His melodramatic-ness.
8. His STELLAR beard
9. That he reaches for me even in his sleep. (It’s swoon worthy)
10. That he sings (loud for all to hear)
11. His unwavering faith.
12. That he keeps the peace as much as possible.
13. His curly hair.
14. That he loves Michigan (Go Blue!) 〽️
15. That he trains and takes care of our dog that we (the girls and I) all love and he never wanted.
16. McDonalds (iykyk)
17. His high aspirations.
18. That he’ll wear/do any crazy thing because he doesn’t fear embarrassment.
19. That he does all. the. dishes.
20. He’s cuddly.
21. He supports me and the girls in anything and everything we choose to do.
22. His confidence!
23. He’s kind.
24. His efficiency.
25. That when he was told his tumor was back, his first thought was me.
26. That he raps.
27. That even though his faith never waivers, he never judges me or anyone else when theirs does. That he truly understands that everyone is on their own path in life.
28. That he’ll watch any show I ask him to so that he can give me a summary 😂
29. His love for pizza 🍕
30. That he chose me and continues to choose me everyday.
Above all, we love his love. He makes me fall in love with him all over again every single day and I can’t wait to do 30 more years by his side.
Love you ♾️, Monson Welch