Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Celebrating Wanee's 86th.

Wanee turned 86!  We are so happy to have her on this side of heaven.  She is definitely aging, forgetting things, and sleeping a lot...all to be expected after 86 trips around the sun.   She looks awesome in her cute, jade suit with her necklace and earrings on ready to head to church.   Covid has been hard on Wanee-- the isolation is hard for her.  She hasn't gotten Covid..but she's lost some of her driving skills and walking long distances every day with friends.  

We had a party at Sandy's house and celebrated Wanee with a bang-- confetti cannons.  We had Terry and Cyrrena and Bret and Wendi join us on zoom.  

Steve put together a fun video of 500+ pics from birth to now of Wanee's life.  It was fun to go through those and reminisce.  Wanee then shared many old memories.  One thing I finally put together is she met TOM before his mission and invited him to a dance..and wrote a few letters to him while on his mission...then years later they got together and married.  I had this timeline all put together after tom's mission.  

Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentines round up

 I LOVE this quote ...and I really think this is what's ailing our world... not enough love for others.  We are divided and disconnected ( which is totally Satan's plan) and not helping each other, being an ally, supporting and coming together just because we are fellow human travelers.   

Today is Valentine's day..and I love this day of friendship!  That's what they call it in Spanish countries... Day of Friendship.  Now that's nice.   

This gorgeous pink sunrise greeted me for a very Happy Pink filled day. 
Poppy had a little dance class review today.  It's fun to watch Poppy learn and grow and take instruction and try to remember things. She isn't graceful or any of the things that older ballerinas are..but you have to start somewhere and she is very happy to be there dancing, spinning and trying to skip.  Fun fact: Miss Joan is Poppy's teacher and she was also Laila's ballet teacher.  It feels good to come full circle here. Joan Bowles is so patient and sweet to all of the children.  
We made Valentine's last night with Alfie and Poppy while the Superbowl was playing.  We got out all of my random craft supplies and with no rules, just made what ever.  It was fun!  Alfie made a man with a button in the middle of his chest and a chenille stem pipe cleaner heart with eyes and a mouth.  
Poppy went all out with pom poms and coloring and eys and streamers.  She had a riot with the glue.  
Truman came and brought all of his charcuterie skills to the party.  He and Wayne went shopping for all of the cheeses, meats, crackers, grapes, berries, dark chocolate, pickles...and delicious creative jams.   It was a special treat.   
Truman has a fun new job with Meredith of Real Housewives of Salt Lake. He's her personal assistant dealing with social media and PR and so many things he doesn't know anything about...but is so willing to learn.  I'm really proud of him. 
George is growing and is a smiley chunky monkey.  He has cut his first tooth.  We have taken to calling him Geo.
Addison made Grandma Butters epic Ginger Creams - heart-shaped.  We all devoured these.  

I love my valentine of 45 years.  He knows me sooooo well.  He's my knight in shining armor- always fighting my battles with me, my spiritual superhero, my playful pup, my boyfriend.  He's just the best and I'm so grateful to go through this life and beyond with him.  

Wayne had toe surgery and is trying to recover but is so dizzy currently..probably not enough sleep, and who knows why sometimes he is dizzier than other times.   

Oh and the LA Rams won the Superbowl this year...2022.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Alfie and George

 Alfie was baptized today and George was blessed...and Poppy wondered why it wasn't all about her!  

I loved watching our first son, Addison bless his first son..and then have Wayne ( a first son) do the confirmation.   Wayne blessed Alfie with courage and compassion and I love these two qualities and what they entail.    Bre spoke on the gift of the Holy Ghost and what a great thing it is to have this and to lean on it and use the spirit to guide you throughout your life.  

This was a big day for Addison's family.  I can't believe Alfie is 8!  He is such a smart, kind, quiet, funny kid.  He loves reading and puzzles and legos and learning.   

George is 5 months old and is growing so much.  Addison gave a beautiful blessing reminding us all that he is named after our beloved friend, George Sharkey....one of the strongest people we know in the gospel.  I really loved thinking about George Sharkey today and all that he’s taught us and how Christlike he is.   Bree's dad gave a talk about baptism and shared George Sharkey's favorite scripture:

  • 2 Nephi 31:20 20 Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have e eternal life.

 I have a testimony of this gospel. I know Jesus Christ is our Savior.  I know if we follow him that’s the way to true happiness and I know that means we just keep having our feet in that direction and we make mistakes and we repent and forgive and we just keep trying again to get back on board. That’s the plan.  I’m so grateful for Addison and Bre and their beautiful, loving family and grateful for their big examples to me.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Red stained Head board

I have my Grandma Butters’ bedroom set. It’s not perfect. There’s a red hair dye stain on the headboard (which is how you actually live to be 94 years old and still sport gorgeous, red hair). The stain comforts me. It reminds me of grandma and her story — her story lives on in me and my children. She is a link in my family chain.
I wonder how many books my grandma read in bed …
how many letters did she write in bed….
how many phone calls did she take in bed…
how many times did she have to rub her head in that one spot to create that unwashable stain?
My grandma lived a long, blessed, hard, wonderful life and I was so grateful to share in some of that. And this red stain, that I look at as I make my bed every day, reminds me of her.