Alfie and Poppy did their first lemonade stand with special creamy lemonade that Addison made and perfect chocolate chip cookies that Bre made. It was funny. Alfie was fine talking to people he knows, but when the first stranger stopped to buy he didn't know quite what to do. He wanted Addison to sell the stuff..but Addison told Alfie it was his stand. Alfie got his courage up and did great. Poppy was yelling at all of the cars to stop and when they didn't she took it very personally....too funny. They made $40.00!
Wayne performed another YSA wedding. This time for Mallory Moore and her airforce fiance. It was a small wedding up American Fork canyon at Silver Lake. Beautiful setting...and then at the end of the ceremony that Wayne performed in Spanish and English, a bald eagle swooped down into the water and got a fish in it's mouth. America!
Tru and I went to stand up for LGBTQ rights for kids in K-12 schools, at the Utah Capitol. It was an empowering thing to do. Oh, and Tru dyed his hair a neon reddish pink.
I ended my 13 days of Sharing Sheri by placing dollar bills all over the dollar store with a note attached saying have a great day. FUN FACT_. One was found and posted about on Facebook.... I cried.
I am loving riding my bike again this year. Wayne gets on 3 days a week and continues to put in atleast 35 miles a time. I like to do two days a week around 20 miles. So glad we started this hobby in our 50's.