The 3 Cuz 2021 trip is in the books. We had a wonderful time at Krystin's Sand Hollow Resort condo. Our shared history, and current secrets- things we wouldn't/ couldn't/shouldn/t share with anyone else but this tight group - keeps us together.
We had someone try to break into the condo one night. Seriously. It was Cindy's back door to her room and it scared her to death.. a woosh of air, and a flash light lit up the floor and then they probably saw her stuff on the floor and took off, she also heard the back gate clanking. She lay in bed frozen with fear. She knew he was a slasher--and she didn't wake either me and Krystin up. We heard about it and reported it the next morning.
One year ago we were at the beginning of the Pandemic...and now we are hopefully at the end.
Our daily schedule looked like this-- wake up naturally, go on a walk around Sand Hollow Resort around 8:30 am (It was sunny but freezing- we had to bundle up), eat a protein bar or shake. Head to Swig or Fizz for a 44 oz drink. Talk and laugh and talk some more. Get ready for our day around noon. Shopping or pedicure or afternoon movie followed by our ONE meal of the day at a restaurant that had a waiter-- no ordering and then sitting down-- these are our restaurant parameters. NO cooking in the condo....we do enough of that at home, so we want to be served. Head to Fizz or Swig to get our second drink of the day....Then home for more games, and documentaries on Netflix including: Murder among the Mormons, Varsity Blues College celebrity scandal, The Gravediggers wife- Lori Vallows murdering her kids story, and Brittney Spears crazy.

Cindy and Krystin don't hike...well Krystin doesn't hike, so that's not what we do when we are together. The most hiking we got was leaning against the picture in the hallway.
We shared our favorite things. I took down a big MANGO scented bag with lotion and body wash, and cream, chapstick and sanitizer etc.. I got it from Gary and it's really awesome stuff. Krystin handed out MAC lipstick, choco almond treats and her favorite tanning lotion. Cindy went all out...she gave her favorite protein bar, tissue, protein drink, lipstick, perfume, kitchen cleaner, lemon sanitizer, spray bottle, fabric masks with a chain to keep it around your neck...her bag was endless. We laughed a lot about this.
Krystin taught us how important it is to surprise your flashing him. So we did that. Our. hubby's reactions were sooo funnny. She also talked us through many of her family's easy, favorite recipes.
Cindy taught us about the GAY song in the hymnbook..and now when I read the second verse...there is no denying it. We laughed a lot.
I brought all of the card games, and had to explain Skipbo, Cover your assets, 10-2-8 Oh Crap SOO MANY TIMES, it was ridiculous. And I still didn't win. I also taught about the ENNEAGRAM... and it was good to see and discuss everyone's personality, and aim for understanding. Krystin is a 1/8 -- perfectionist and challenger. Cindy is a 7/9. Enthusiast and Peacemaker. I am a 7/8. Enthusiast and challenger. The test is just the first step-- then you need to read about the types and see where you identify the most.
We are glad Krystin drove...and I didn't have to use my green tractor. |
I love these cousins so much. We have gone through almost 59 years of life together.