Back row: Si, Dixie, Tammy, Karen Nickl, Kim, Connie, Lisa, Kathleen Front row: Melinda, Angela, Nan |
My May Soul Sisters retreat is over and it was a beautiful
I’ve learned to turn this
event over to the Lord and who ever comes or what happens at the retreat is
There is less worry and
manipulation on my part and it brings me more peace as I move toward the
unknown of will the ladies show up? Will they participate? Will they get along?
Will all of the “right “ things be said…
Anyway, it was AWESOME.
There were 12 of
us ( a last minute cancellation, that didn’t even bother me)
and it was the perfect amount for
our airbnb home.
The setting was the Dimple Dell , Sandy Utah
area with open land and gorgeous mountains .
We found great walking trails each morning.
Kathleen Newman was my right hand woman…and she does such a
great job making everything look just perfect.
She is a great cook and has energy for the set up and clean up part as
She is exceptional.
That was the word used to describe her by the
other women of the retreat, over and over and it totally fits her.
My sister Angela came
with a friend Connie Holt .
shared a room and they have quite a lot in common.
Both married older , divorced men with 3 and
2 boys respectively.
They are
Red personalities with #4 energy
Angela is great at
remembering my stories, so then I can tell them.
Connie is wise in her responses and a
Lisa Anderson, Laura Belnaps little sister, came all the way
down from Smithfield.
Lisa has had a
difficult year with her husband’s health and her mom’s deteriorating
health..daughter married, son moved out… So empty nest syndrome is big in her
My awesome friends, Si Foster, Kim Johnston came.
Both introverts who don’t like gatherings
with new people..but both did great at being open and loving to all.
Nan Bruske, Jill Allsop and Carole Brown from my home ward
all supported…and needed to be here for different reasons.
They were all so happy to have spent the
Tammy Siebert , who came to the Feb retreat came again to
this one, with a different friend Dixie Munsee . Both from Mt. Green.
Both just wanting to connect, not knowing
anyone else.
Such lovely women, with so
much to give and so much wisdom.
Thursday night was all about great Plates and Palates
salads, home made coconut cake and sharing a story.
Everyone had atleast 5 minutes to share
anything they wanted, some told how they met their husband, some gave a brief
run down on their life and kids, some told a lesson learned,
what their own mother was like- good or bad
or a difficult time.
I shared about the
power of music and that it speaks to me.
Hymns come alive and say the exact things that I need to hear and it
feels like Heavenly Father is communicating to me.
I talked about when my sons came out, and
how Hymns lifted me .
We laughed a lot
and cried some.
It’s good to be
vulnerable and this time really does become sacred.
Friday morning up for an 8:00 walk in gorgeous weather, for
those who wanted to.
Others slept a bit
more, or got ready for their day.
We had
a wonderful sausage egg burrito breakfast with salsa, guacamole and fruit.
Plus a little sweet roll on the side.
Kathleen made it all look gorgeous.
My friend who was coming up to teach about YOGA and it’s benefits and what it
has done for her in her life, couldn’t come up at the last minute, so I took
over this task.
Good thing I started my
at home yoga practice in March , so I had something to talk about and refer
I gave everyone yoga mats and we
moved furniture and all talked about the benefits of stretching and balance as
we get older and how valuable Yoga is.
Then I let them to Yoga with Adrienne a popular Youtube channel, and we
went through a guided beginners practice.
Lunch time was Healthy snack ideas led by healthy
She is an over achiever and
has fun playing in the kitchen with her girls, so she brought frozen grapes,
dates with pecans, made banana- berry ice cream, hummus, edamame, roasted
chick-peas, home made lara bar, protein balls,
more protein balls, a chocolate chia pudding, and avocado toast.
Everyone tried and got food on their plate,
then we all settled in for our speaker. We also talked about making every day not so every day by dedicating some task to the Lord... having it be your time to commune with Him. I had Addison Calligraphy up a favorite scripture... "This is the day which the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Karen Nickl came and told all about the psychology of
happiness and how we can actually change our
body chemistry by working on
Medication when necessary,
eating fresh, exercise, sunlight, music, socialize, talk therapy, laughter,
power pose, thought stopping, prayer/meditation and find a passion.
She is always excellent and I was amazed at
some of the insights I had while she spoke.
I really liked the thought stopping techniques and prayer parts.
A big take away for all of us was the thought
of being “hot and Happy.”
Karen was gracious and hung around after to field more
questions and expand on some of her points.
It was so interesting and eye opening.
Next….Game playing, visiting, helping with meals…all good
We had a dinner of marinated chicken, roasted veggies and an
apple- pear salad from Si’s blog. Si brought her tried and true chocolate chip
cookies as our dessert.
They were a
Holly Reid was up next with her Ubuntu presentation I am- because we are. Which is basically that we are all in this
together so we need to love and support
each other. HELP each other, speak kindly
about and lift and serve one another. Holly went all out with bracelets,
pictures and an Ubuntu stick to inspire us all to use the saying, “I am….” In
positive ways. We circled up on the rug
and took an all feet in the middle picture like the one taken with the African
children. It was beautiful.
We told funny stories and had a belly laugh or twenty…then
couldn’t leave each other but kept talking and using all of words, then we
crashed at midnight.
One more sleep , an early walk, breakfast of yogurt
parfaits, fruit and bagels with home
made flavored cream cheese rounded out the meal. We had a final recap of what everyone’s take
away would be. My cup is filled.