Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Piano Man

Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you got us feeling alright
It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday
And the manager gives me a smile
'Cause he knows that it's me they've been comin' to see
To forget about life for a while
And the piano, it sounds like a carnival
And the microphone smells like a beer
And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar
And say, "Man, what are you doin' here?"
Oh, la la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum
Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you got us feeling alright
The Piano man song has underscored a large portion of my life.  It came out when I was 11 years old and I finally got to see THE PIANO MAN- Billy Joel in concert last night and I just can't stop thinking about it. My ears are still ringing from the volume of the music  ( I had to put tissue in my ears to try and save my hearing last night)...but  that's not what has caught my attention...... last night 20,000 fans filled the Vivant arena to hear songs that brought back memories of good times from years past.   Last night when Billy Joel "harmonica'ed " up  and the first strains of the Piano Man melody ripped through the air it was thrilling.  He sang and played and the "regular crowd" sang loud and proud with him.  It was beautiful to hear all of those voices singing "la, la, di di da.... dum" together.  We were mostly strangers who came together for the love of this man's music and for a short time, we were all there in the moment, swaying, singing The Piano Man and forgetting our problems and differences.  We were all connected and all was right in the world.  I couldn't keep the tears from falling. It was a profound moment of collective Joy.
I recall another moment of collective Joy that had to do with this Piano Man song 6 years ago.  
I wrote about it in my journal:
Monson’s Canada Choir trip 2011.  We have walked around Victoria, BC and sung at historical places all day.  Now it’s free time Superintendant Bryan Bowles took all of the chaperones on the choir trip to dinner at Pagliacci’ Victoria, British Columbia, and we all ordered Italian food. The restaurant was really noisy.   Billy Joel’s Piano Man came on the speaker over head. Larry Smith, Laura Belnap and I all  started singing it softly at the table to each other, and pretty soon all of the people at our table were singing and laughing and conducting the song with their forks.  Now  the other restaurant eaters were looking at us and the waitresses were smiling  because we were singing quite loudly and  when we got to the chorus of the song, I shouted out to the entire smiling restaurant.... ”Everybody”....and everyone in the restaurant joined in with us and sang the chorus to Piano Man, at the top of their lungs......"La di da di dee da da la da di dee da da dum.."  swaying back and forth to the in a movie.  We all clapped for and high fived each other as we got to the end.  Strangers singing, laughing and smiling together.  So many smiles.  It was a moment of collective JOY
At this point in my life The Piano Man equals collective joy and human connection. Must be why I love it so much.
One of my favorite Authors --Social Scientist Brene Brown write about human connection and collective moments .  She says:

We need to come together in Joy and in Pain.  We need these constant reminders.  They fortify our belief in each other.We know that  people are wonderful and they can be hard.  Every day life can be incredibly hard and the people around us can push us to the end of our nerves and our civility.
So how do we cultivate and grow this belief of inextricable human connection internally?  The answer  is…Show up for moments of collective joy and pain  so we can actually bear witness to inextricable human connection. 
We need to engage in moments of joy and pain with strangers.  We have to catch enough glimpses of  people connecting to one another and having fun together that we believe it’s true and possible for all of us.
Psychologist Susan Pinker tells us:  There is no substitute for in person interactions.
Staying away from people is equal to dying from or experiencing poor health from a pack a day cigarette habit, hyper tension or obesity.
On the other hand, SOCIAL INTERACTION can bolster our immune system,  send positive hormones surging through our blood stream and brain and help us live longer.
No wonder I have cherished my Canadian restaurant Piano Man experience and now I have another collective joy moment from last night to go along with it.

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Monday, November 27, 2017

Friday, November 24, 2017

Thanksgiving at the Calls

 I made 3 pies-- for the Pie Parties at Landon and Alex's and the Calls. ... all 3 pies failed... The Cranberry Apple- which is my new favorite...I only put in1/2 the sugar so it wasn't juicy and was dry and tart...threw it away.  The Banana cream and Coconut cream, never set up... tragedy really... I ate a few spoonfuls  of each and then threw away... I couldn't serve them.  The flavor was good, but it was like pudding or soup.  So big Pie fail this year... I will try, try again.  My pies were not missed at  either party since Megan and Landon both made a lot of pies, and then people bring a lot of pies to share.... so much SUGAR!
 The Sunsets lately have been incredible...every night amazingly beautiful sky colors.  I know Sunsets are the Lords way of saying... "I'm here, watching out for you...remember me."
 OH Happy Day..Thanksgiving is here.  I love Thanksgiving time.. I love that it's about gratitude, family and Food...all of my favorite things.
 Gary was gracious enough to have us all over to traditional Cole Thanksgiving with all of our favorites including creamed onions and glazed cabbage and carrots.  I look forward to these two foods on my plate.    We had an adult table and a  young adult table.... our two kids Alfie and Tayla basically played during dinner and maybe ate 1/2 a roll.  No stress.  We gathered, ate our feast, watched football, put a puzzle together, made a thankful movie...found out the basement was having a plumbing/pipe disaster, called the rooter man and  said what we were thankful for some more.  Then my family all took off, after clean up of course, and headed to the was really sweet about remembering our ancestors and how important it is to keep their stories alive.  I cried me a river!

 I really miss Marcie and Mom on this Holiday because they were the Kitchen- Cooking- Queens...bringing so much flavor and all of the deliciousness to the table.  This picture is from 2011. I love my crew though...this is who I shared my Thanksgiving with... Monson and Addison's families.  Laila was actually with the Morley's at their cabin playing with the teen agers.  Landon was figuring out a new set of meds and had Buzelli Thanksgiving that evening.  Truman was in Brooklyn having a Vegan Thanksgiving with Van.
I've been working on a small act of Kindness text project that I started in August..and finally finished today.  I have gone through the contacts on my phone and texted each one an uplifting- glad you are in my life kind of text.  I did about 3 a day and it was good for me to send these out and to get the happy, surprised greetings back.   A little kindness goes a long way.

Blessed November...

 We are loving our Poppy time.  Laila held her for the first time and just couldn't stop the tears.  She said the love just flowed into her .  Poppy is heaven sent that's for sure.   We are happy she came three weeks early so we could have that much more time with her.
 Wanee and Holly got to meet Poppy and have some Poppy time too.
 Laila got cast in a music video for "The Killers.  It comes out in January for their song, "the Rut."  Laila got to be in a "mean " girl gang from the 80's/90's   It's a flashback scene .... she had a great time and made some good $ too.
 Poppy is getting more and more alert.  I wish babies could talk and tell us all about heaven.
 We went to Time out for Women and heard Brad Wilcox speak.  It was such a fun and special time to share with Paula Carlson, Madison Wangsgaard, Linda Wangsgaard and Lexi.   It was soooo good. My faves included Sheri Dew telling about 3 Amish families who have been baptized in Ohio and what an amazing and unusual thing this is. They have all been in the church about 5 years now and had to begin all over again with their lives and lively hoods. They were completely shunned from the Amish community.

Elaine Dalton talking about Holy habits and righteous routines. Emily Watts on bit by bit we can accomplish good things....And Brad Wilcox on Grace and what being saved by Grace really means. He talked about going home from debate tournaments on a bus and playing “Matthew Mark Luke and John” or “Big booty” or “Zoomy-zoomy “ all the way Home. And whether you were number one in the game or last place the point is we still were on the bus together and made it home. He related this to our life. We could be winning or failing in life but we are all on the bus heading home the point is to stay on the bus.
The most important label we carry is Child of God. 
 Laila is on to Basketball cheering..the season begins soon and she is top of the trick pyramid...

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Halloween Party!!

Halloween party at our house for the extended Cole Family.  
 Monson, Lexi and Tayla as Green Eggs and Ham
 Paula  Carlson joined us with her CRAZY teeth costume
 Liz was Baby Spice and Al was Sporty Spice... they are so clever
 Laila as frankenstein girl...with my Malifecent
 My siblings all got into the spirit of things....
 We did a Dead Man's dinner....
 Alex, Landon, Andrew and Sophia... Army, Navy, White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland and Wonder Woman

Alfie was Lightening McQueen and Addison was the Blue car...Jack Storm

Laila and Halloween

  Laila finished up her football cheering on Friday when 4th place Bountiful almost beat 1st place Corner Canyon.  It was great to see Laila do her thing one last on to Basketball cheering.  Laila finished the term with all A’s.  We are proud of her efforts.  She is so capable.  She had her school Halloween Dance  and her group dressed up as skeletons.   She is lucky to have Jenna Cole come and do makeup for her.  What  a great cousin. 

 Halloween dance with Max Eiting.  Halloween is Laila's favorite time of year and she has gone to 4 Haunted Houses this year!

Poppy is here!

 Poppy Eileen Welch made her debut early morning Oct 28, 2017 after 3 pushes and 3 weeks early.  We are thrilled she is here safe and sound and can't wait to get to know her better.  She is a beautiful part of our family already.
 Bre was driving on the freeway Friday during rush hour on her way to Landon’s home in Riverton, when she coughed and her water broke.  CRAZY.  She pulled over in the  traffic and called her dr who sent her immediately to the hospital up in Layton.  Addison was on his way to his Christmas Carol rehearsal, so he cancelled and turned around.  I was watching Laila’s final football game at Corner Canyon HS.  She had just finished the half time routine and I got the phone call to come and help with Alfie… So we all gathered up at the Davis North Hospital…and Bre got hooked up and just after midnight Poppy was born!  3 pushes and she came into this world.  Her birthday is Oct 28th. Bre and Ad love having an October baby and one to celebrate Halloween with as well.  Bre has had elevated blood pressure and they are continually monitoring her for toxemia ..but Poppy is practically perfect.