What a riot we had for the Cole Family January gathering playing Family Feud. We divided into two teams. I got the questions online and we used a white board to keep track of answers and matches won. We even did Fast Money questions with Nelson and Monson playing for their team. We laughed a lot and between the game and the rootbeer floats, chips and salsa, rice krispie treats and a delicious oreo cake made by Becca.... it was an epic FOOD and FEUD night. (I can't believe I didn't get any pics.)
We try to gather once a month to honor the monthly birthdays and have a reason to catch up on what everyone is doing. I feel compelled to keep this up as the new Matriarch with the passing of mom and Marcie.
My foot is healing. Only two more weeks off of it, or rather wearing a boot, or walking without any pressure on it, then the boot is off. I look forward to driving again.
Laila also looks forward to driving. She is studying to take the permit test so she can do a year of practicing with Wayne and I.
Three weeks as YSA bishop and we are learning a lot. I have noticed that the YSA's only know about 6 people each in the entire ward. It's a strange phenomenon for me. I think my job will be to work on connecting and gathering these YSAs. Bishop Wayne and I have decided to issue Bishop Challenges that have to do with having the YSA's reach out to each other more. One month we will challenge or rather give permission to the YSA's to ask each others names over and over...so they can learn them. Another challenge will be to talk to 3 new people and find out 3 things about them. We can do Social media challenges and put your phone down and connect challenges. Things to get the YSA's knowing each other better. How can our ward theme be "To Be One" if they don't even know each other???....anyway....it's a challenge...with a big treat jar involved. Treats in the Bishop's office if they complete it and want to tell the Bishop about it. It should be fun.
Monday, January 30, 2017
Monday, January 23, 2017
Laila is 15!!
My little girl is growing up!! I can't believe she is 15 and will be getting her permit soon and begin driving....yikes. We celebrated Laila, Alfie and Truman's birthday with a family dinner gathering. We celebrated like it was summer with burgers, potato salad, chips and chocolate cake and ice cream and rhubarb and banana cream pie. Delicious!
I love the part of our family celebration where we go around the circle and say something about the birthday person.... Some things shared about Laila were; She's kind and caring to the grandkids, the grandkids love her the most, she's a great aunt, she tries new things, proud of her tumbling accomplishments, she is a great friend, she is getting more discerning with friends, she is loyal, she loves her siblings.
Things shared about Truman: He is adventurous, proud of him for trying new things, he has a lot of change this past year and he's handling it well, he is reaching out to his family more and working on better relationships with his siblings, he is courteous, he is fun and funny, he is the whole package...he's got all of the "tools"-- looks, job, personality....
The cute thing about all of this were Sophia's reactions... after every comment she would say...yes, wow, I agree.... so funny.
Laila was thrilled to get the next NEW iphone when it comes out...her phone is perfectly fine until then.Laila celebrated her birthday weekend with some friends at Katelyn Pattison's home on friday with presents and dinner and then she went down to Spanish Fork to hang out with cousins Fielding Morley and Ty Callister, She planned her weekend and did just what she wanted, and I guess my real gift to her was not to remind or dwell on what needed to get done in her online school.
We got together with some wonderful friends recently.... I love all of these people and I can't imagine my life without them...and the impact they have had on my children's lives is immense. I am forever grateful we live in this neighborhood and ward.
Bob and Diane Lake, Eric and Kim Johnston, Lance and Heidi Bingham, Bob and Kimi Farley, Grant and Si Foster, Brett and Erin Blake, Wayne and Me, Eric and Laura Belnap. |
Friday, January 20, 2017
Foot update
I've been recuperating from my foot/toe surgery for the past 2-1/2 weeks. Its been good and tough. Good to have time to read books and knit and binge watch some tv series and movies.... tough because all I've been able to do is sit around, stay off my foot, ride my knee scooter and NOT DRIVE. It's the stuck at home not driving part that is tough for me.
I've read A Man Called Ove, and My Grandmother told me to tell you goodbye. both by Fredrick Backman. I really loved both of these...sometimes I like a book better though when i can read it all in one day, or two days...and just be totally in it...that's what happened with these two books....hence the love.
The Rosie Project by Grameme Simsion,
The Magnoia Story about Chip and Joanna Gaines of Fixer Upper fame.
Counting by 7 by Holly Goldman Sloan...so good...once again read it in one sitting...and loved it.
the Snowflake story, My orange Duffle bag, and Maya Angelou essays. I have more books in my stack to tackle the next two weeks.
I sit therefore I read.
I've also knitted up a storm.... I have made 6 baby or lap type blankets.... I'm ready for babies and birthdays now.
At my two week check Doc Johnston put me in a boot...one to be used sparingly... but will allow me to get around and leave my home. I still can't drive, but it has given me some freedom to go to lunch, my school activity and to go see Kinky Boots with Truman.
My "kinky" hobbling boot is hidden behind these red boots in the pic....
Kinky Boots is a beautiful show that teaches the following six things when a shoe factory goes from making old brown men's shoes to large flashy boots for drag queens.
1. Pursue the Truth.
2. Learn something new
3. Accept yourself and you'll accept others too.
4. Let Love Shine.
5. Let pride be your guide
6. Change the world when you change your mind
Truman got home from his vacation to Australia...that actually was kind of a disaster that he tried to make the most of..and if you only saw what he posted on social media, you would think it was a fun time. In a nut shell: Truman flew to Australia with his friend Van Welch and on the way there Van got a backache and a fever and so they went to the emergency room and Van was diagnosed with Viral Meningitis...with complications. Van was stuck in the hospital for 8 days... and basically "escaped" when he left with a catheter still in tact....crazy. Truman spent most of his day at the hospital being a loyal friend and advocate for Van and then going out a few hours of the day to site see and get some food. Tru's work gave him 6 more days leave to help get to the point where Van could fly back to Utah. Such a crazy time for both of them. It's never fun to be sick on vacation...let alone trapped in a hospital. I'm glad Tru made it home to see Kinky Boots with me and to celebrate his birthday with us.
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Why I Believe talk
WHY I BELIEVE talk..delivered in North Canyon YSA ward Sacrament meeting Jan 15, 2017
I’m so pleased that the life of Gordon B. Hinckley and his teachings are the subject of study
for Relief Society and Priesthood lessons this year. I look forward to studying it with all of
you. As I was reading about his mission… Pres. Hinckley’s
father gave him a card with a scripture on it to send him on his way to England. The Scripture is Mark 5:36
“Be not afraid, only believe.”
This comforted young Elder Hinckley and gave him courage to start his
mission in Preston England. I have been
to the flat Elder Hinckley lived in during most of his mission… I have walked
his roads, and been to the River Ribble where the first members in England
raced to be the first ones baptized.
It was a beautiful experience filled with green rolling hills, daffodils
and many sheep in the fields surrounding the Preston, Temple. I love
the scripture that his father presented him with. “Be not afraid, only believe.
“ This scripture rings true for me as I
start this new experience as bishop’s wife in this Young Adult ward. There has been a little fear in me as I
think about following in Bishop King and his wife, Michelle’s footsteps. They are amazing leaders …. but what keeps me
going is the “only believe” part. I am a
In Sister Oscarson’s talk from April 2016 General
Conference, “Do I Believe” she talks about moments in our lives where we have
to stop and ask ourselves, Do I believe or not?
She tells about her daughter flying with a very sick child in a medical
helicopter to Primary Children’s hospital and passing over the Salt Lake temple
and thinking, ok…my child might die tonight…do I really believe in a here after?
Do I believe Family is Forever? Do I
believe in a plan of salvation and Heavenly parents? And the answer for this sweet mother was a
resounding Yes… Sister Oscarson says
it’s times like these when the gospel goes from our head and into our
This talk resonated with me because I have had times in my
life where I was at a spiritual crossroads
and had to stop and ask myself…”Do I Believe?”
As we start this North Canyon ward calling together, I would like to share some
of these with you .
I too had a time where my daughter Laila was in a life
flight helicopter on her way to Primary Children’s hospital with a cracked skull
and bleeding on the brain.
Laila was an orphan
in BHS's Annie musical. She was at one of the first
choreography rehearsals for "Hard Knock Life." Cousin Megan
Call was in charge. Laila was walking on high school girl's backs, then
getting to the top and acting like Ms. Hannigan, ordering everyone
around. The girls who should have been holding her up and helping her,
slipped, and Laila fell from about 5 feet right onto a hard wood, stage
She whacked the back of her head.
She cried, but wasn't bleeding.
There was no goose egg....she was just sad.
When rehearsal ended, Megan dropped her off and told me about the accident.
I gave Laila some tylenol and held her.
I was supposed to be flying off to China that night at 9-- for a 10 day trip with Wayne. Wayne was already in China for work.
I tried to keep Laila awake. It was difficult to see if her eyes were dilated. (They are so black already.) There was no bump.....no place to indicate where we should hold ice.
I held her and she stopped crying and fell asleep.
I was sure I would be leaving to China in the next 3 hours.
20 minutes into Laila's nap, she sat up and threw up everywhere, then I lifted her on to my lap and her bowels released...she was completely unresponsive.
My second son, Landon and I raced her to the emergency room-- 2 minutes away-- thank goodness........
Then everything began to spiral out of control.
Xrays and Brain scans resulted in.....
Laila had a cracked skull.
Laila had bleeding on the brain.
Laila 's brain was swelling.
Laila had concussive symptoms.
Laila's breathing stopped.
Laila was given a priesthood blessing by my first son, Addison and my father, then she was life flighted to Primary Children's Hospital.
It was a parent's nightmare.
We prayed mightily and received priesthood blessings and had so much family and friend support during this time. We called on angels to help this sweet baby girl.
The first night at Primaries was a huge ordeal....if she made it through the night we could have a little hope. She would be in the hospital for quite a while...but she would live.
It was a sleepless night, with me and my sweet sis Marcie keeping vigil. My poor Wayne was feeling helpless--stuck in China frantically trying to get a plane flight back to Utah and praying and pleading to the Lord on Laila’s behalf. You see……
She whacked the back of her head.
She cried, but wasn't bleeding.
There was no goose egg....she was just sad.
When rehearsal ended, Megan dropped her off and told me about the accident.
I gave Laila some tylenol and held her.
I was supposed to be flying off to China that night at 9-- for a 10 day trip with Wayne. Wayne was already in China for work.
I tried to keep Laila awake. It was difficult to see if her eyes were dilated. (They are so black already.) There was no bump.....no place to indicate where we should hold ice.
I held her and she stopped crying and fell asleep.
I was sure I would be leaving to China in the next 3 hours.
20 minutes into Laila's nap, she sat up and threw up everywhere, then I lifted her on to my lap and her bowels released...she was completely unresponsive.
My second son, Landon and I raced her to the emergency room-- 2 minutes away-- thank goodness........
Then everything began to spiral out of control.
Xrays and Brain scans resulted in.....
Laila had a cracked skull.
Laila had bleeding on the brain.
Laila 's brain was swelling.
Laila had concussive symptoms.
Laila's breathing stopped.
Laila was given a priesthood blessing by my first son, Addison and my father, then she was life flighted to Primary Children's Hospital.
It was a parent's nightmare.
We prayed mightily and received priesthood blessings and had so much family and friend support during this time. We called on angels to help this sweet baby girl.
The first night at Primaries was a huge ordeal....if she made it through the night we could have a little hope. She would be in the hospital for quite a while...but she would live.
It was a sleepless night, with me and my sweet sis Marcie keeping vigil. My poor Wayne was feeling helpless--stuck in China frantically trying to get a plane flight back to Utah and praying and pleading to the Lord on Laila’s behalf. You see……
Laila came into our
family through an adoption miracle in 2002.
I always wanted a daughter and growing up in a house full of girls and
one brother, thought for sure that would happen for my family. The Lord blessed me instead with 4 incredible
sons. Addison, Landon, Truman and Monson—some of you might know them. Our
family always felt incomplete…so Wayne and I began wondering if we should
adopt. We prayed and asked the
Lord. I would make deals with the Lord
like, if we are supposed to adopt then Sara who is an adopted girl in our ward,
will sit by me in Relief Society…and she did.
Or, If we are supposed to adopt then
Wayne and I will be the witness couple at the temple… we were the
witness couple…. So we began the adoption process…we wanted a baby girl …and in
my mind I could always see a beautiful brown skin girl with black hair……so we
were led to get a baby girl out of China. We had
paid our money, did our family interviews,
our home studies, and jumped through a lot of red tape and got VISAS
taken care of and knew it would probably be 2 years before some Chinese Child
would come our way. Then just 3 months
into this process we received a phone call in a totally different direction from an adoption
service out of Philadelphia that had a 3 month Puerto Rican baby girl ready
right now who’s birth mom did not want her to go into foster care but straight
to a family who was ready…that was us.
It was a phone call out of the blue that changed our life for ever. Our
beautiful brown skinned, black hair baby girl was an absolute answer to mighty
prayer and fasting. Laila has been a
blessing to me and Wayne and our 4 sons.
Laila is 9 years younger than our last son…so is babied and loved and cherished by us all. And
With Laila lying in her
ICU bed with tubes and life support
systems every where, the thought that maybe I was only supposed to have my
daughter on this earth for 7 years kept
ringing in my head…. but I pleaded to the Lord for more time with her. It was a very difficult defining time for our
family…made even more “lonely” feeling because my Wayne was stuck in China and
I was doing this “on my own.”
We received an
absolute MIRACLE. We know it was a
miracle….there were no other medical
explanations for what happened.
More xrays and brain scans were given the next morning and…..
Laila's cracked skull was gone.
Laila's swelling was gone.
Laila's concussive symptoms were gone.
Laila's bleeding on the brain was gone.
Laila was breathing on her own.
ABSOLUTE MIRACLE!!!! At this point the diagnosis was
More xrays and brain scans were given the next morning and…..
Laila's cracked skull was gone.
Laila's swelling was gone.
Laila's concussive symptoms were gone.
Laila's bleeding on the brain was gone.
Laila was breathing on her own.
ABSOLUTE MIRACLE!!!! At this point the diagnosis was
Laila would live…but
would be in the hospital recovering for 4 months, by the next day it was
changed to 1 month, then one week…and
then just FOUR days after we life flighted into Primaries Laila and I
were walking out of the hospital.., just as Wayne was arriving from China.
This moment shored
up my belief in the power of the Priesthood and priesthood blessings. My belief in angels from both sides of the
veil who help. My belief in the power of
a loving and kind Heavenly Father. My
belief in the power of prayer and mighty
personal prayer. My belief in the
atonement and being able to have do overs and restarts. My belief in my Savior Jesus Christ and the
suffering he did for me so he would understand my suffering…. and the companionship of the Holy Ghost who
was my constant companion through this hospital ordeal.
This is just one of my Why I believe moments… I
have many more that I hope to share with you as we serve and grow together in
the next three years.
Sis Oscarson's talk,
"Do I believe." Is a great reminder about getting the
gospel from our heads and into our hearts, and remembering those pivotal
moments in life when we have to rely on faith and testimony and the question of
"Do I believe?" comes to the forefront and needs to be
I hope you will
think about times in your life when your
testimony has been strengthened and the gospel went from your head and into
your heart. Remember your “why I believe”
moments. Remember, remember these times.
Remembering is so important.
…As King Benjamin
taught in
Mosiah 2: 41 I would desire that ye should consider on the
blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold,
they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold
out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may
dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that
these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.
I say this in the
name of Jesus Christ Amen.
JAZZ game, Tayla and Tumbling
Mark (43), Wayne (55) Terry (53) Dale (49) Wanee (80) |
Little Tayla is a hoot. She is full of personality and tries to talk but mostly goes around making monkey sounds in an effort to communicate. Language is hard. She loves having books read to her and will drag any book she finds over to a person sitting down and insist it be "read." Poppa Wayne is great at this.
I think we are just all amazed because there is a Cole/Welch who can run really fast and do 7 back handsprings into a tuck at the end, with almost perfect form, keeping her feet and hands together or "in the box" and going straight down the white line with a lot of speed and rebound. It's impressive.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
January changes
We celebrated Wayne’s 55- double nickel birthday …he did it all himself since I’m laid up from toe surgery. Wayne invited all the kids, got his own gifts--two new suits, white shirts and ties--He cleaned the house, ordered the sushi, played games, cleaned up and basically said “Happy Birthday to me” At least his big 55 birthday was not forgotten. We were happy to have all the family here except for Truman who is on his way to Australia for a week…mate. ( said in an Australian accent)
Wayne got put in as Bishop today of the North
Canyon Ward in the Bountiful Young Single Adult Stake.
He has been serving in this stake as a high councilman and will be
taking Bishop Kings place. Bishop King
is now in this stake’s Stake Presidency.
It was a big turnover. Wayne will
be wonderful in this calling he is warm, kind, genuine and has a lot of empathy
for these YSA’s with all of the different life and family dynamics. Wayne bore his sweet testimony of
remembering the Savior and trying to be like him and remembering we are all
Children of God. I was so happy to have
the support of all of our children, grandchildren, Wanee and Holly and extended
family on this day. It really meant a
lot to Wayne and it warmed this momma’s heart.
Because it was also testimony meeting today, Holly went up and bore her
testimony about her bishop brother and how he likes to tease her and how happy
she was for him. The YSA’s all loved
![]() |
Dale Muir 1st Counselor, Bishop Welch , Mark Johnson 2nd Counselor |
As new young adult bishop and wife we jumped right into things with a YSA family home evening at our home. Because of my foot surgery I just sat in my office chair with my foot up and “ordered’ people around. We had a great turn out… over 50 people here with chairs and bodies everywhere. I think they came to see what the new bishop was like. Wayne gave a lesson on how the Lord knows us by name and then he had the YA’s put questions in a hat that they wanted to know about the Welches. We told about how we met, and mission experiences and how I waited for Wayne on his mission..and embarrassing moments and hobbies, and favorite movies and it was great fun. 
I had my toe surgery on Tuesday morning and the doctor said
that this was the best one of these types of surgeries that he has ever
performed. He made my metatarsal bone
shorter, attached ligaments and a tendon.
I was out of it for a few days with Lortab but now I’m feeling
good. I just can’t have any weight on
this foot for 4-6 weeks…and it’s my right foot so I can’t drive. I got a sweet knee scooter to wheel around
the kitchen area and give grandkids rides on though. And
I’ve had a lot of visitors and food delivered. ( My holiday eating
continues) So many nice people out there. In
the past 5 days, I have watched too many movies, read two complete novels and knitted two kid
size blankets. What will I do next
Monday, January 2, 2017
Happy New Year Looking back...and ahead
Every year I send some end of year questionnaire out to my family, and every year, after a little bit of pestering on my part, they send it back. It's a great record of where we have been in 2016 and what we are looking forward to in 2017.
2016 Year in Review
Favorite color this year: Tangerine
New food tried this year: sauerkraut
New activity tried this year: crazy rides on the top of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas
Anything you’ve read that has stuck with you, book, article etc..: WW11 Book: The Nightingale .
Greatest lesson learned: I loved being with the Gilardi’s and Sharkeys in Scotland. Such great people. Their friendship formed with my parents continues to bless all of our lives and they feel like family. Friends are family we choose.
Hardest thing this year: Watching my kids with their different struggles and having Laila not attend church with me.
A Favorite memory: Attending Truman’s graduation from Delta training.
What I loved about 2016: Being able to play Dolly Levi in Hello Dolly was a dream come true. Traveling with Wayne and Laila to UK- Scotland
Want to learn: conversational Spanish
Want to get better at: Not wasting my time with electronics
Goals for 2017: Get my foot surgery and then get my foot healed so I can travel to Peru and climb Machu Picchu
Favorite color this year: Blue
New food tried this year: Nothing new, but I ate a lot of Pho.
New activity tried this year: a 4 day motorcycle trip with Uncle Bailey up to the Bear tooth pass in Montana
Anything you’ve read that has stuck with you, book, article etc..:
Greatest lesson learned: That we can disagree with people yet still love and appreciate them.
Hardest thing this year: figuring out how to parent Laila better
A Favorite memory: Scotland trip with Laila and Melinda... visiting with Sharkeys and Gilardis.
What I loved about 2016: All of the grandkids live close, and Truman's flight benefits and my wife.
Want to learn: To play the Stock Market
Want to get better at: Exercise consistently and eat healthy.
Goals for 2017: Learn all the names of the kids in my new ward.
Age:30!!!!! What?!?
Favorite color this year: red
New activity tried this year: live fruit ninja- throwing watermelon with Danny Inkley.
Greatest lesson learned: goal setting
Hardest thing this year: house hunting
Favorite memory: Surprising Bre with a puppy! And signing papers to my house with Jill and Izzy there.
What I loved about 2016: getting a new old house!
Want to learn: character design for illustration
Want to get better at: illustration. Especially children's books.
Goals for 2017: get a children's book illustrated. Rebrand my art and Etsy shop.
Name: Bre
Age: 27
Favorite color this year: Yellow
New food tried this year: Baked Bear
New activity tried this year: Rapping
Anything you’ve read that has stuck with you, book, article etc..: "You Are A Badass"-Jen Sincero
Greatest lesson learned: Don't be afraid to charge what you're worth.
Hardest thing this year: Finding a house!
Favorite memory: Opening a puppy for Christmas!
What I loved about 2016: Establishing our family in our new home!
Want to learn: Artisitic Portraiture
Want to get better at: Pushing my boundaries in studio photography.
Goals for 2017: Take more vacations.
Name:Alfie Welch
Favorite color this year: blue
New food tried this year: I like chicken
New activity tried this year: I like to color and draw- writing my name!
Anything you’ve read that has stuck with you, book- Mickey Mouse book. Pooping book (everyone poops)
Greatest lesson learned: sharing my toys
Hardest thing this year: bonking my head
What I loved about 2016: going to Disneyland
Want to learn: write more letters and numbers
Name: Alex Gerhardt Buzelli
Age: 33
Favorite color this year: blue
New food tried this year: all foods became new this year. The flavors are all different, allergic to things I've never been before and vise versa.
New activity tried this year: Top Golf-- golfing in general.
Anything you’ve read that has stuck with you, book, article etc..:
The gift of failure by Jessica Lahey
Greatest lesson learned: Karma. God watches over us. Do good, reap good.
Hardest thing this year: moving just a week after stomach surgery.
Favorite memory: winning the custody battle.
What I loved about 2016: traveling with Landon and the kids. Having a new place outside of Utah county. Starting a new job.
Want to learn: ways to cook healthier
Want to get better at: Genealogy with Boston University.
Goals for 2017: Buy a house. Eat healthy. Be happy. Work out
Name: Landon Cole Welch Buzelli
Age: 28 (but my kids will tell people 23)
Favorite color this year: yellow
New food tried this year: Indian food with Alex but I don't know what any of it was called.
New activity tried this year: being a full time parent: And I think I'm pretty good at it; if nothing else I like it a lot. Also running my own business.
Anything you’ve read that has stuck with you, book, article etc..:
book: The gay revolution- the story of the struggle. A history book and it was so powerful and eye opening.
Also: The Work of Byron Katie. So powerful and love using it in my personal life and at work.
Greatest lesson learned: The Light in me salutes in the light in you, the spirit in me salutes the spirit in you, the love in me salutes the love in you. Our reality is only that of love and all else is an illusion of fear. And fear is not from God.
Hardest thing this year: Feeling pushed out of a job and building up courage to break out and start my own thing.
A Favorite memory: the phone call my honey made to me saying we had won and the custody fight was over!
Also watching my kids grow and try things they used to think were scary like when we went to Disney and they got on roller coasters.
What I loved about 2016: moving out of eagle mountain, being a full time parent, spending time with my sweet husband and kids. Being an uncle to the niblings, spending time with my parents and siblings. I just feel really close to my family this year and longed for more time with each of them.
Want to learn: the Course in Miracles lessons. Portuguese (gonna get that Rosetta Stone and get to work). How to do taxes with a business 😳
Want to get better at: working out and eating healthy. Being a house keeper. Finding activities to do as a family.
Goals for 2017: other than what I've already listed--
Instead of criticizing I'm going to compliment. Buy a house! It will be our first official house together! (Not one Alex already owned, not an apartment we rent) Be debt free (for a hot second, until we buy that house) Add more clients on with my business. Take muscle testing and energy therapy courses. Have fun, be joyful.
Name: Sophia Evelyn
Age: 7
Favorite color this year: blue
New food tried this year: cantaloupe and honeydew
New activity: piano and ballet
Book: the little prince
Greatest lesson learned: Sometimes things are scary and we can do them anyway.
How to share better with my brother.
Hardest thing this year: changing schools twice. Growing up and liking different things from my brother.
Favorite memory: Bear Lake summer boating. Having a new house.
What I loved about 2016: I get to spend so much time with my family.
Want to learn: I want to learn more Spanish
Want to get better at: I want to be better at the piano and in dancing. Also I want to be nice.
Goals for 2017: Be healthy, choose the healthy snacks. Say nice things to people even if I'm upset.
Not let others bother me.
Name: Andrew Jacob
Age: 10.
Favorite color this year: Blue.
New food tried this year: watermelon.
New activity tried this year: Piano.
Anything you’ve read that has stuck with you, book, article etc:..Harry Potter and the Sorcerers stone
Greatest lesson learned:
Everyone loves you! No matter what, families are full of love and that doesn't change.
Sometimes things are scary and we can still try them.
Hardest thing this year: I had to move to a new school and say bye to my friends at Noah Webster.
Favorite memory: All the vacations we went one like Bear Lake and Disneyland.
What I loved about 2016: having a house in salt lake closer to grandparents houses.
Want to learn: I want to learn how to make YouTube videos
Want to get better at: I want to be better at being a cousin and brother like how to take care of kids when they cry.
Goals for 2017: to make new friends at my school. Speak up when I'm nervous.
Name: Truman
Age: 25
Favorite color this year: salmon
New food tried this year: deviled eggs with caviar
New activity tried this year: kickboxing
Anything you’ve read that has stuck with you, book, article etc..: Gay Revolution
Greatest lesson learned: you are not your circumstances
Hardest thing this year: Moving to New York
Favorite memory: San Fran trip with the girls, Sal and Van.
What I loved about 2016: I fly for free now!
Want to learn: "how to be single" lol
Want to get better at: managing time in the city
Goals for 2017: put on some weight! Lol 20 lbs of muscle. Write and film skits. Launch podcast.
Name: Monson
Favorite color this year: red
New food tried this year: none :)
New activity tried this year: door to door sales
Anything you’ve read that has stuck with you, book, article etc:..Start with Why - Simon Sinek
Greatest lesson learned: double check everything
Hardest thing this year: no job for 3 months
Favorite memory: snuggling with Tay
What I loved about 2016: my new job :) at Authorize.net
Want to learn: how to invest
Want to get better at: working out
Goals for 2017: be more consistent
Name: Alexis Rae Jewell Welch
Age: 22
Favorite color this year: light blue
New food tried this year: Eggnog
New activity tried this year: Moving to Fresno, California
Greatest lesson learned: Don't blindly trust
Hardest thing this year: Moving to California
Favorite memory: Tayla learning to say Mama
What I loved about 2016: Everything Tayla- learning to walk, talk, dance, kiss, hug, etc, etc, etc.
Want to learn: To sew
Want to get better at: Being a wife and not just a mom
Goals for 2017: Take a vacation with just Monson.
Name: Laila
Age: 14
Favorite color this year: Just Blue
New food tried this year: Squid at Tsunami, but I lived on In and Out Burgers- atleast 3 times a week.
New activity tried this year: Competitive tumbling
Anything you’ve read that has stuck with you, book, article etc..: Behind Closed Doors
Greatest lesson learned: better to have good quality friends, than a quantity of them
Hardest thing this year: tumbling conditioning or being friend zoned or picking good friends.
A Favorite sad memory: Standing at the railway station in Scotland hugging Eileen and crying.
What I loved about 2016: Traveling to England/Scotland featuring...Harry Potter World and the Sharkeys and Gilardis
Want to get better at: Speaking Spanish
Goals for 2017: Stay without Social Media til end of August and get my $1,000
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