I'm feeling the power of gratitude working in my life once again. I"m grateful to be surrounded by good friends and family.
My Aunt Dar's husband Jimmy passed away about 2 weeks ago. He spent two years getting blood transfusions every week to keep him alive, so it wasn't unexpected. Any time a loved one leaves us it's hard, expected or not. Jim only wanted a grave side service with just his immediate family, so that is what he got.
I love my Aunt Darlene. She is mom's oldest sister. They are 5 years apart. Dar says she is so pig headed that there's no way she is going to die any time soon. She is probably right.
I loved having lunch with her and my cousin, Cindy yesterday. It was so great to sit across the table and just look at Dar's face... I could see my mom in there. I felt so much love just being in her presence. Mom was always the glass half full sister and Dar is more a realist... "it's just a glass." Mom was always the counselor, the one with all of the good advice and listening ear. We all miss her wise words....but being with Dar was so good for me. Dar has always been so interested and supportive of me and my children. She is accepting, fun and understanding and just gets me even with all my weaknesses.
Dar is getting along great and lives close to most of her children, which helps. I'm thankful for Dar.
I'm also thankful for my cousin Cindy. We are the same age and grew up together, even though she was in Minnesota and then in California for all of her school years. She came back to Utah for college, met and married Colen Sweeten and has stayed in Springville for over 30 years. I'm glad she's around. Cindy has a big heart, she is quick to forgive and move forward. She is steady and calming and good. Cindy is adventurous and always up for games or a party. Cindy, like me and many others, doesn't have the typical mormon family. She has kids in and out of the church for various reasons, but she continues to draw them close, love and support them. I'm really proud of her. I know in heaven when we have that "interview with the Lord" we won't be asked did your kids all go to church, or did your kids get good grades or are they successful......we will be asked did you keep your family close? Did you work on relationships with love? Cindy can answer yes.
After lunch we wandered through the Provo Center Temple. It's a gorgeous pioneer styled temple. So beautiful and reminded me a lot of the SLC temple. I was also reminded of the blessings and sealing power of the temple at work in our lives....these are beautiful promises, that's for sure. I want to be in Heaven with my forever family...or it just wouldn't feel like heaven. I'm thankful for temples.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Birthdays with friends
I am so glad that Laila and Truman have good friends who will plan and celebrate with them.
Laila's friends came at 6 in the morn to get dressed together at our house...help Laila with hair and outfit, then decorated her locker and she had 20 girl friends cheer and hug her when she entered school that day. They took her to Station Park for dinner and a scary movie, Laila's favorite kind. "The Boy" was a good scary movie atleast that's what they all said. Then back to our house for cake and ice cream and hanging out til 11:30.
Tru's friends put on a Clueless party at the Beer Bar in SLC with dinner and karaoke. Van even made Tru yellow plaid pants that were just like Sher's from the movie. It was perfect.
Laila's friends came at 6 in the morn to get dressed together at our house...help Laila with hair and outfit, then decorated her locker and she had 20 girl friends cheer and hug her when she entered school that day. They took her to Station Park for dinner and a scary movie, Laila's favorite kind. "The Boy" was a good scary movie atleast that's what they all said. Then back to our house for cake and ice cream and hanging out til 11:30.
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Daven, Ash Low, Heather Kofford, Reagan, Laila and Max Eiting |
Laila's cake with her name on it and sparklers that her friends brought. |
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Van, Tru and Sal....all hitting the town before Tru's big celebration. |
We celebrated with Family on Saturday with dinner at Plates and Palates then coming back to our house for games and laughs. We all giggle at the Alf running around the island being chased by Sophia.....and Poppa Wayne playing the game Sorry with Andrew, Sophia and Alf. We played cards and had pie or cake and ice cream. Our birthday extravaganza has come to an end...once again. We had 6 birthdays in 27 days.....Andrew, Monson, Wayne, Alfie, Tru and Laila....phew.
Friday, January 22, 2016
14 =Photo shoot!
And the WELCH family birthdays continue.....Monson, Wayne, Alfie, Tru and Laila all with in 24 days....yikes
My sweet Laila is now 14 years old.
To celebrate she got a fun photo shoot with Bre. I got in on it too. Here are some of the results:
My sweet Laila is now 14 years old.
To celebrate she got a fun photo shoot with Bre. I got in on it too. Here are some of the results:
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Happy quarter of a century Tru
My Tru is 25. "A Quarter of a Century. He's a Quarter of a Century man." ( Lines from a musical, How to Succeed in Business....but I digress)
25 years...have gone by slow and fast all at the same time.
I'm so blessed to have Tru as my son. He's warm and welcoming, funny and friendly, trendy and talented, and just an all around good guy and great "guncle" who keeps us all on our toes.
I like this quote by Corrie Tenboom," Every experience God gives us, every person He puts into our lives is the perfect preparation for a future only He can see." I feel this about each of my children.
I don't know if Tru's life has turned out how he thought it would, but I know he's happy. He was on an LDS path til he was 22 and now he's on a different path since his coming out. Not altogether different, but he has left the church. Even though this didn't fit into "my plan".........I'm a big fan of free agency. I believe very much in allowing people to govern themselves, to exercise their own free agency (just as I can exercise mine) and to continue to love them along their way.
I've learned a lot in Tru's 25 years.
Here's what I know.
Heavenly Father knows Truman and his successes and struggles, just like he knows me. I know Heavenly Father is more merciful than any of us are led to believe. He loves us, He created us in His image and that includes our LGBT brothers and sisters. I’ve learned that only by loving and accepting my children completely will they be able to reach their full potential as adults.
I know Heavenly Father loves my Tru more than I do.........and the Heavenly Father and Savior I know and believe in, aren’t in the business of breaking up families. If my son is lucky enough to find the love of his life, well then Wayne and I will attend a beautiful wedding. I will welcome that future son in law into our family and eternal family just as I would any other person my children should choose to marry. Because in the end, it’s how we treat, serve and love others that matters.
More than a century ago, Mark Twain, when he was looking back on his life, wrote this: "There isn't time, so brief is life, for bickerings, apologies, heartburnings, callings to account. There is only time for loving, and but an instant, so to speak, for that."
25 years...have gone by slow and fast all at the same time.
I'm so blessed to have Tru as my son. He's warm and welcoming, funny and friendly, trendy and talented, and just an all around good guy and great "guncle" who keeps us all on our toes.
I like this quote by Corrie Tenboom," Every experience God gives us, every person He puts into our lives is the perfect preparation for a future only He can see." I feel this about each of my children.
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Alf and Tru- two January birthdays entertaining each other |
I've learned a lot in Tru's 25 years.
Here's what I know.
Heavenly Father knows Truman and his successes and struggles, just like he knows me. I know Heavenly Father is more merciful than any of us are led to believe. He loves us, He created us in His image and that includes our LGBT brothers and sisters. I’ve learned that only by loving and accepting my children completely will they be able to reach their full potential as adults.
I know Heavenly Father loves my Tru more than I do.........and the Heavenly Father and Savior I know and believe in, aren’t in the business of breaking up families. If my son is lucky enough to find the love of his life, well then Wayne and I will attend a beautiful wedding. I will welcome that future son in law into our family and eternal family just as I would any other person my children should choose to marry. Because in the end, it’s how we treat, serve and love others that matters.
More than a century ago, Mark Twain, when he was looking back on his life, wrote this: "There isn't time, so brief is life, for bickerings, apologies, heartburnings, callings to account. There is only time for loving, and but an instant, so to speak, for that."
I know I will continue to learn and grow through Tru's next 25 years too.
Happy Birthday Truman. You were a beautiful baby and now you are a beautiful human being.
Happy Birthday Truman. You were a beautiful baby and now you are a beautiful human being.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Arizona to see Erin
My girlfriends have been traveling and lunching together for over 15 years. It's a great group to be a part of. Si Foster, Heidi Bingham, Kimi Farley, Diane Lake, Erin Blake, Laura Belnap , Me and Kim Johnston - not pictured- have been through a lot together.
We now have an Arizona home to spend some winter days in. Erin moved to Gilbert, Arizona in October and we all had to go down to check it out.
We ate a lot of good food, got cooking lessons from Si on how to make the perfect chocolate chip cookie, played cards, bought baby hands because they are so darn funny, shopped, stayed up too late, toured Bret Blake's new work , Origami Owl, saw the movie "Brooklyn"and ate some more. Girlfriends are amazing
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Wayne is 54
We celebrated Wayne turning 54 with the whole family going to the Red Mermaid for sushi then card games and a late movie for those who could keep their eyes open. It was fun having the entire family together. I can't believe how we have grown.

Among Wayne's gifts he received this framed quote. It speaks of Wayne perfectly ....
Wayne Is a wonderful human being and partner. He is capable and kind; caring and compassionate. He tells a great story and gets along with all types of people in all situations. He blesses our family spiritually and financially. I don't know how I got so lucky. He is always on my side and is my confidante and love.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
word for my YEAR
My word for 2016 is PRESENT.....
This is going to be a year... 365 days... that I'm going to be present in. I will rejoice in the happy times, and feel the sad times, but not dwell there and be good with the day to day parts as well. I will eat healthy food, and be active on my bike and on the pickle ball court. I will spend time with my grandkids and have meaningful conversations with family and friends. I will travel, play and work hard and be brave. I will do theatre and paint and read new books. I will laugh a lot and cry some too. I will breathe and be happy that life is good and life is hard and life just is and I will be present in it and not hide from it.
I'm so grateful to be alive and I'm excited to see what 2016 holds.
I will be present and go with the really high highs and the really low lows.
I'm ready.
This is going to be a year... 365 days... that I'm going to be present in. I will rejoice in the happy times, and feel the sad times, but not dwell there and be good with the day to day parts as well. I will eat healthy food, and be active on my bike and on the pickle ball court. I will spend time with my grandkids and have meaningful conversations with family and friends. I will travel, play and work hard and be brave. I will do theatre and paint and read new books. I will laugh a lot and cry some too. I will breathe and be happy that life is good and life is hard and life just is and I will be present in it and not hide from it.
I'm so grateful to be alive and I'm excited to see what 2016 holds.
I will be present and go with the really high highs and the really low lows.
I'm ready.
Saturday, January 2, 2016
New Years Eve
We gathered at Mark and Jill's home and celebrated with them and Wanee and Holly, the Bentleys and Madsens. We played games and ate good food and let off fireworks at midnight. I really enjoy family New Years eve parties. They feel nostalgic, comfortable, fun and positive.
Tyler Madsen announced that he is engaged to Rachael and will be getting married March 5th.
Cousins are great and we are so happy Laila has a lot to celebrate with... Hunter, Shelbi, (Jackson-Abby's Boyfriend), Hayley, Abby, Savannah, Laila, Kylie, Nash (Sarah -Kylie's RM companion from Manchester England), Tyler and Rachael. 

Wanee, Nash, Sandy and Holly.
Name: Laila
Age: 13
Favorite color: cyan
Favorite Food: lasagna
Favorite Activity: tumbling
Favorite book: The Selection Series
Greatest lesson learned: never fall behind on homework
Hardest thing this year: losing a lot of my friends
Favorite memory: getting kidnapped by the cheerleaders to go out to breakfast
What I loved about 2015:
Want to learn: standing tuck consistently
Want to get better at: flexibility and jumps
Goals for 2016:
Get a 4.0 for at least one term
Get all of my splits flat
Have a better attitude towards life
Name: Alexis Rae
Age: 21
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite Food: Chicken, Bacon, Ranch Pizza
Favorite Activity: Holding my baby
Favorite book: Hidden Pictures
Greatest lesson learned: It's okay to ask for help.
Hardest thing this year: Losing Grandpa and Marcie
Favorite memory: Giving birth to Tayla
What I loved about 2015: I became a momma!
Want to learn: How to cook GF/DF
Want to get better at: Reading my scriptures
Goals for 2016: Drink more water
Favorite color: Red
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Activity: Snuggling with Tayla and Lexi
Favorite book: Book of Mormon ;)
Greatest lesson learned: what it takes to parent
Hardest thing this year: Lexi breastfeeding
Favorite memory: Tayla's Birth
What I loved about 2015: Being with my love having a little girl
Want to learn: How to be a better husband
Want to get better at; scripture study
Goals for 2016: build Anomale's brand
Name: Tayla Addilyn
Age: 2.5 months
Favorite color: Red
Favorite Food: Breastmilk
Favorite Activity: Swinging
Favorite book: Anything Dr. Seuss
Greatest lesson learned: Smiling
Hardest thing this year: Having to come into the world
Favorite memory: Meeting my parents
What I loved about 2015: I was born!
Want to learn: to walk
Want to get better at; talking
Goals for 2016: continue in progression
Age: 32
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite food: Italian
Favorite activity: being a dad to Andrew and Sophia
Favorite Book: And then there were none
Greatest lesson learned: how to still stand, be happy, move forward through hard challenging unseen situations.
Hardest thing this year: having to postpone the court trial until February 2016
Favorite memory: getting married to my honey
What I loved about 2015: getting married to my honey
Want to learn: anything and everything I can.
Want to get better at: being patient
Goals for 2016: move out of Eagle Mountain
And I really like Landon's goals so the same.
Favorite Color: Gold
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite activity: Traveling with Alex
Favorite book this year--the gay revolution: a history
Lesson learned: the best of times and the worst of times can be happening at the same time.
Hardest thing this year: losing grandpa and Marcie, having the court in November not work out and having to wait more.
Favorite Memory: my wedding day!
What I Loved: the month of May! All my amazing family stepping forward and making it possible for Alex and I to get married and have a beautiful amazing wedding day that was absolutely perfect. And having the month end with the perfect day making it official that the three Buzelli kids are a real part of the Welch family forever. My favorite!
For 2016--
Want to learn: Portuguese ...seriously though
Want to get better at: keeping my house clean
Goals for 2016:
Provide healthier food options for the fam
Figure out about how to continue decreasing my headaches
Work out 2-3x weekly
Date nights
Name: Truman
Age: 24
Favorite color: very fond of black
Favorite Food: honey crisp apples with almond butter
Favorite Activity: brunch
Favorite book: I read girl on the train this year, woowww! So good!
Greatest lesson learned: be 100% you, boys can be feminine :)
Hardest thing this year: balancing old and new friendships.
Favorite memory: Puerto Rico with my 2 best friends.
What I loved about 2015: Van and Sal, do you understand how much I love them!?!?
Want to learn: how to sew my own clothes.
Want to get better at: using Adobe illustrator and creating projects.
Goals for 2016: Move out of state. Weekly yoga classes. Join a "church" or spiritual movement. Eat whole30 at least every other month. No more tanning, cuz no wrinkles please! Complete season 1 of my new Youtube series.
Name: Bre
Age: 26
Favorite color: gold
Favorite Food: sushi!
Favorite Activity: Playing with Alfie
Favorite book: Harry Potter
Greatest lesson learned: Baby first, work later
Hardest thing this year: Too many funerals
Favorite memory: Halloween Party with my Addi
What I loved about 2015: Seeing Alfie's personality come out
Want to learn: how to make the perfect salmon
Want to get better at; Cooking food, eating out less
Goals for 2016: Focus more on family, find my niche' in photography, buy a house
Favorite color: red
Favorite Food: Cadburry mini eggs
Favorite Activity: painting
Favorite book: I watch movies
Greatest lesson learned: importance of traditions
Hardest thing this year: grandpas death
Favorite memory:Disneyland Halloween party
What I loved about 2015: watching alfie grow. Such a funny one year old.
Want to learn:business classes
Want to get better at; digital art
Goals for 2016: move forward on starting my theatre
Age: 53
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Activity: biking
Favorite book: whatever I'm currently reading
Greatest lesson learned: I can do hard things
Hardest thing this year: Deaths
Favorite memory: Lotoja
What I loved about 2015: Being with my fam
Want to learn: To dominate in pickleball
Want to get better at; staying healthy
Goals for 2016:
More business - be kinder - stay positive
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