Just when I feel like I am making headway with my work and organizing my life and getting on top of things around my house, a new challenge crops up and my mind goes whirling and my energy drops and I realize I'm still in mourning, and maybe always will be. It kills.
I keep pondering on my one word for this year....COURAGE.
It's helping me be bolder in what I think about, want to discuss, changes in my life, want to do....but it's also a bit challenging, because maybe I'm feeling small...maybe I want to climb back into bed for the day...and eat or cry........but then that's why this word is good.
I want to keep it at the fore front of my life like a banner that moves me forward.
SO...... Fresh courage take.....
Sound of Music has finally begun. I love being "just a nun" in the show. Sister Berthe means No makeup or hair to worry about. I just show up, sing beautiful harmony, help tell a lovely story, do some Leisle costume changes, then it's over and I quickly change to come home. It's great. Mickey Larsen, our family friend, who plays Maria, is amazing. She is uber talented and I had no idea she could sing high soprano. It was great having the family come see preview so we could talk about the show and the people in it and discuss the high and lows of the production.

My Daddy-o is doing better and continues to convalesce at Orchard Cove. He is excited to "bust out of the joint" on Saturday and get back to his own chair and rural/farming tv station. He has decided not to drive any longer, which is a good thing. His feet aren't working too well. He will keep his car and we can drive him around in it. I took Laila and her two friends to do some service for Gpa and rub his feet with essential oils. They were okay with it, until we took off his socks and saw his swollen feet. They looked like water ballloons with hotdog toes...it was quite a shock. We all ended up laughing and .....gently rubbing his feet.
I am having pre teen daughter challenges. Laila has decided she doesn't need parenting or parents in the morning. She wants us to read scriptures with her at 7 and then just go back to bed. Stay out of her way while she gets dressed, eats and plays piano. She doesn't want to hear a reminder or a nag about what she should be doing. Well... she is funny, but this is my last chance to "nag" a 12 year old and I'm going to do it...with vigor!
Monson is dating Lexi Jewell-- his Michigan sweetheart. He is very devoted to her. He gave her a promise ring for Valentines. She has a job in Bountiful now and has moved into a house with 3 other girls in West Boutniful. She doesn't have a car, so he leaves our home early every morning to pick her up and get her to work...then one of us picks her up at 5 and she hangs out at our home til Monson is off work at 7. They spend a lot of time together....probably too much, and it will be good when Monson gets more on his plate besides just work from 2-7. Monson is the Priest Basketball coach. He really loves this. The team took 1st place in our stake with a double overitme, at the bucket shot for the win.... and are headed into region.

Tru is busy "finding" himself. He is at a crossroads in his life with so many things. The good news is he is starting a job at Golden West Credit Union. Money coming in will be good. He does make money here and there with his photoshop skills. He is very helpful around the house and sings and laughs a lot but didn't think he would be 23 and living at home still.
Add, Bre and Alfie have decided to move back to Utah. Their Florida Disney gig was temporary when they began it, and baby Alfie has extended their life there a few months. They will be home in May...who knows where they will live or what they will do for work or what is going to happen next for their darling family, but one thing I do know....they will move forward with Faith. Can't wait for more Alfie time! He is such a good mix of Addison and Bre.
Landon and Alex are doing well and despite all of their effforts to move out of Eagle Mountain, they will be there for a while longer. Alex and Sophia are a hoot and have fallen in love with Monson almost instantly, although Laila and Tru continue to be the favorites.
Wayne is so good to me. He continues to amaze. He doesn't feel good lately, some intestinal something. He has low energy, is easily dizzy, so tired...yet he serves and lifts and helps and loves.
Sometimes I think I used to be more. More fun, more happy, more organized, more spiritual, more of everything and now I'm just not. I don't know if that's true, or if I just see things more realistically now. I wonder if I met myself today, if I would even like me.
Anyway....just mumbing away on my Monday