Tuesday, December 31, 2013

An Interview with me, myself and I

1. What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?  a 65 miler bike ride.  My butt hurt so bad, but I did it.  Going to do a 100 miler this next April

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?  Yes... for a few months anyway.  I lost weight and ate only healthy foods for 3 months...then went to China and came home to a sick momma and have eaten everything in sight since. I lost 25 pounds then gained it all back. I am a stress eater. 

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? So many exciting babies being born for the Bentley Girls- Natalie and Shana, and Jordan and Laurie Call.   Can't wait for our own Grand baby  in January  

4. Did anyone close to you die? My amazing momma.....she has left a giant void 

5. What countries did you visit? China with Wayne and Bob to see my sweet friend Kathleen Newman and family.

6. What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013? Courage. 

7. What dates from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? May 21...the day my momma died 

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Don't feel like I achieved much at all...just making it to the end feels pretty good.

9. What was your biggest failure?  Not counting my blessings more

10. Did you suffer illness or injury? No... I fell off my bike a lot, but my sweet Wanee fell down her stairs and has had a slow recovery and my dad had a heart attack and fell and broke his nose and eye socket. It's been really tough

11. What was the best thing you bought? A walk in closet.  It's great to have doubled my space.   

12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Elder Monson Welch.  He is an obedient  and faithful missionary to the end   

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?  Congress and President Obama who shut the government down because they are all so stubborn and can't figure out how to get things done.

14. Where did most of your money go?  house, cars, kids, travel

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?  30th Anniversary...Wayne gave me a beautiful diamond ring.

16. What song will always remind you of 2013?   Christmas songs....Joy to the World. We sang them at the funeral. 

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?  sadder
b) thinner or fatter?  as fat
c) richer or poorer?  as rich

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?  listening

19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Arguing with an 11 year old

20. How did you spend Christmas?  The Grinch stole our Christmas....Talking to my missionary.  

21. Did you fall in love in 2013?  Yes. We got 3 new family members...Alex Buzelli and his children Sophia and Andrew.  All are easy to love and make our Landon very happy

22. What was your favorite TV program? Sherlock, Call the Midwife, Downton Abbey

23. Do you hate (dislike) anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?  Can't think of any.... I guess that's good. What I hate is cancer! 

24. What was the best book you read?  The Rent Collector

25. What was your greatest musical discovery?  New musicals-- Matilda and Kinky Boots.  Laura gave me a Ukulele....I'm learning to play a few songs on it

26. What did you want and get?  New couches in the family room.  A re-decorated Living room with a wonderful fireplace

27. What did you want and not get?  the whole front of my house remodeled... into one giant room

28. What was your favorite film of this year?  Saving Mr. Banks

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I did not spend it at Bear Lake, which was weird.  I had a ladies sleepover at Si's cabin with a bunch of friends and ate Rhubarb Pie at midnight! I turned 51 

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?   To have a million dollars.  

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?  Grateful for so many sizes in my closet so I can have stuff to wear as my weight goes back up

32. What kept you sane? Exercising with Si....funny cards from Laura

33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?   Love all of the people on The Chew-- 

34. What political issue stirred you the most?  Gay Marriage

35. Who did you miss? My momma...so much I can hardly bear it.

36. Who was the best new person you met?  Alex Buzelli. He is kind and even tempered and a great father. 

37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013.   LIfe is hard...and good...and  I am so happy to have my testimony of Jesus Christ to get me through the dark times.

38. What are you looking forward to in 2014? A new baby in the family, being in Sound of Music, doing something in mom's honor for a scholarship at BHS

39.  What else?  Traveling  to New York !!!!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Grinch Stole our Christmas

We were GRINCHED!!!!
Christmas morning, after bursting through the wrapped living room entrance, Laila and Tru found only this......

They were clearly not expecting an empty living room with no tree, decorations, stockings or presents in sight....and a tipped over couch. We had been robbed!

On the wall above the fireplace was a note  and 16 bags were on the coffee table.

The note read......

(Does Tru look like a who down in whoville?)
After being dumbfounded and checking to see if presents were in the family room instead....Laila finally smiled.
Tru and Laila quickly got dressed and drove into Salt Lake.  

Tru was hoping to find some people out and about in Pioneer park...but they were not.  Many were lined up outside the Homeless shelter and he said their 16 bags just weren't going to cut it. So they walked down the street a bit and were able to hand out the bags one by one.  Some were gruff, some were grateful. One guy came back twice, teary and thankful.  Laila said he made it all worth it

When Tru and Laila returned, Laila  ran into the living room and it was all put  right.  Tree back up, stockings filled, decorations in place and presents!

The Grinch had restored Christmas!!!!

Tru said, "Obviously the Grinch is a woman because no man would go to all of this trouble."

Thankful, loving hearts grew three sizes this day.

Away in a Manger

I found my Christmas wish last night. We were singing in our annual Christmas Eve Cole family choir, when this song and verse came up.   It hit me so strongly, more than it ever has before. I got chills and tears. This is the 3rd verse to Away in a Manger........

Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask thee to stay

Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.

Bless all the dear children in thy tender care,
And fit us for heaven to live with thee there.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

What does it feel like?

What does it feel like when your son tells you he's gay?

Your heart starts racing and you can't catch your breath

Tears spring to your eyes...and you can't stop them

All current hopes and dreams disappear in the blink of an eye

Everything runs in slow motion

You want him to take the words and stuff them back in his mouth so the future doesn't have to be altered...but the words hang in the air....so you embrace them and him.

Everything is different and everything is the same


You love and accept and cry a bit and love and fight for and learn about and love and breathe and hold on tight........ and New hopes and dreams are made....and you find peace.

The Future is a fickle thing.  Plans change. Life happens. People leave you.  The family expands and grows and  looks different than you ever thought it would.


Here's what I know for sure,  God loves us all.  He knows what we are going through.  God's love is eternal and so are the truths found in His gospel.  Our job is to love and find joy!

1 Nephi 11:17
..."I know that he loveth his children, nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things."

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmasy thoughts

I was going through my Christmas books today and found the recording book of Twas the Night Before Christmas.  It has Mom and Dad's voices on it reading the story.  Of course, it made me cry, but it was so good to hear my mom's animated beautiful voice.  Such a treasure.  I'm so glad I had them do this for Laila so many years ago.

Wrapped packages yesterday and thought of mom again.  She is everywhere during this holiday.   Mom was the perfect gift wrapper.  Square corners, pretty paper with folded creases and always bows on every present.  My presents aren't as nice.

Christmas music is more meaningful this year as well.... We've been hauling out the Holly with the Ray Coniff singers and belting the Hallelujah with the Tab choir.   And...every time I sing I can hear my mom's low alto harmony.

Laila had her first piano recital.  She played 3 songs, one was a duet of Carol of the Bells with her friend, Olivia Campbell.  Laila doesn't like piano and most of our mom and daughter disagreements happen  over practicing the piano.   Well...she was blessed at the recital.  The Christmas angel came down and touched her fingers and she played all 3 songs better than she ever has sitting in our living room.  We were all impressed.  Grandpa Lyle, Grandma Welch, Holly, Wayne and I were in attendance.

Laila and duet partner Olivia Campbell
Laila has her 6th grade dance today.  This is the dance with dance cards and waltzing.  She got up early to shower and get in her dress because she made a hair appt. with Emilee Dahl so she could have special hair today.   Laila got a side braid into  a curly side sweep with added hair extensions.  Looks more like wedding hair than a 6th grade dance.  Laila also wore my long drop rhinestone earrings for some glamour.

Ugly Sweater day at school....Laila word Grandma Butters old poinsettia sweater and earrings circa 1950...
We have Holly's friend to friend Christmas program today.  It's an absolute act of love that Shelly Davies does with a bunch of Special needs kids.  It's all volunteer at Center Point Theatre.  Holly is in heaven singing and dancing through the Christmas songs.  It's a true angel-fest....talk about feeling the Christmas spirit....just love it and look forward to it every year.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Mom-ster returned.

I thought my screaming days were over.  I don't have 4 little boys running around, breaking things, teasing and crying anymore.  I have learned about DHEA and the positive effects it has on my psyche. You would think I could keep it together with one 11 year old girl....but alas....Tuesday was a fall apart morning.  I didn't want it to be ... I didn't know I was having  PMS episode.... I had forgotten to take my morning pills for about a week....and, well, let's just say when Laila fought me about practicing the piano for the 4th time, I just blew up.  I let her have it.  I made sure she knew I was boss and I made sure I said it in a very, VERY loud monster voice showing my monster face along with it.

 At the end... I did end up crying and running to my room...and eventually I begged my sweet, crying child's forgiveness...but I'm just so sad this PMS mom-ster reared it's ugly head......again.

And I'm sad thinking about the mother I was to my little boys every 28 days.......my terrified little boys. Hopefully the scars aren't too deep and my sons know how much I truly love and treasure each one of them....and that I love being their mother.

Anyway... I guess I'm writing about this in an effort to clear the air....to acknowledge what happened and hopefully never allow it to happen again.
I want a peaceful home.
I want to be remembered as the mother who spoke in nice, happy tones, with a big belly laugh.
I want to never see the scared-of-mother look on my daughter's face again.

Stay away Mom-ster!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

CAA Christmas Dance

Grandpa Lyle and Laila
Laila had her Creative arts dance show on Saturday.  She was gorgeous and danced beautifully.

 The show was a fund raiser for Cami Carver who needs money to pay for a bone marrow transplant and it was also dedicated to the memory of my momma.  

There was a lovely display in the foyer and a nice dedication in the program to mom.  It read:
Sheri Cole was a bright light.    She could do so much and offered so much to each of us.   She loved Dance, Theatre, Music and Art and shared her love by inspiring and supporting others. 
She was a ballet  Dancer at the U of U… and BYU.  She taught dance classes in her own home and had The Sheri Cole Dancers who did floor shows across the Wasatch front.  She began the Bountiful Community Theatre in 1974  which has morphed into Center Pointe Theatre today. She sang in the Cole Collection for 16 years.  She starred on stage and off as director and Choreographer.  Sheri taught theatre/choir at Davis High and Bountiful High.  She was everyone's champion…and she knew you could do it.  Sheri loved the creative thought and goal of Jana Monson and the Creative Arts Academy and was pleased to be a little part of it.  She cut the ribbon of  the new facility and really knew that only good things were coming!  Sheri passed away May 21, 2013.   There is a Sheri Cole Scholarship for Music/ Dance /Theatre Students at Bountiful High in her honor. 

They also put a slide presentation tying mom and Cami together in their fight against cancer and positive attitudes.  It was really sweet. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

It's been 3 years!!

Three years ago today we added a wonderful daughter to our family of mostly boys. Laila was in heaven...still is. We are so glad that Addison married "bus stop girl."    

Bre and Addison have had an adventurous time together....with many more years and adventures to come.   One of their biggest will be baby Welch arriving in 5 weeks!  
Happy Anniversary!  

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Welch family Nativity party

We had our annual party at Terry and Cyrrena's home.  They are always so gracious to let us all be there. We thought the snow might make it a difficult climb to their mountain home but it all worked out.
The cousins always love getting together that's for sure..

We gathered at 5 for appetizers, soups and hot rolls then we all settled in to watch and listen to the First Presidency's Christmas devotional 

We have never tried this before and it was a bit long for the little ones to stay calm but we were all grateful for closed captioning.  We could read even if we couldn't hear it.
Then came  the part we all look forward to........the Welch nativity.  We had a real baby Jesus this year thanks to Nicole and Darin's new baby Dax. We also had 2 Marys, 1 Joseph, 1 Joseph Smith, a star/stable , 2 Wisemen, a camel, a Shepherd, 3 Angels and Jonah and the Whale .....

Thursday, December 5, 2013

5 Carols for Christmas

So excited to be doing 5 Carols at Christmas time again, and I'm glad to be doing it with the same great ladies: Mauri Tarbox,  Jan Smith, Lindsea Garside and Julie Blatter. It really is a joy to sing 5 part harmony on so many lovely Cgristmas songs. Plus the laughs we have together are epic. These are my theatre people. They "get" me.

Putting on Miss Q again is so lovely. I'm singing low alto and being a brunette.  

I've been thinking about my mom, as usual. She was my biggest fan and always made me feel like the prettiest, most talented one on stage. This is my first show without her.  I've cried about that.....ok...what haven't I cried about? She loved this show though so I know she will be there in spirit.