Sunday, September 29, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
Friday Family Flashback
March 24, 1996
Wayne let the boys play with his CB and as you would expect within thirty second they were all driving the truckers down the interstate crazy. They were having a good time. Wayne was standing at the rear of the truck listening to what was going on. He said that he heard a trucker call them girls. They said, "We're not girls..we are Men." Addison was worried that the truckers would be able to find them. When Wayne assured them that they wouldn't do that they had a lot more fun.
Later in the week, Melinda looked out of her kitchen window and saw Monson in their white truck. He had somehow released the breaks and was rolling down the street. She yelled at Wayne who ran out and finally jumped in the truck and stopped it before it turned into a tragedy. When Monson felt it start to move he was scared and tried to get out...and so he was hanging out of it while it was moving down the hill toward Davis Blvd. It was all very frightening. Speaking of Monson. He's now potty trained day and night. You see all it took was some new Power Ranger Undies. He announced to his mother that if he messed in them the, "Power Rangers won't yike me." Whatever it takes...right?
Truman got new underwear at the same time along with new socks. That night, when Melinda went in to tuck him in bed, he had on every pair of socks and every pair of underwear. Reason? "I can't make up my mind which one I like." Then a few nights later she was in her room and she heard Wayne say, "Truman...get your underwear off of your head and go to bed." Let's just say he likes new underwear.
Wayne let the boys play with his CB and as you would expect within thirty second they were all driving the truckers down the interstate crazy. They were having a good time. Wayne was standing at the rear of the truck listening to what was going on. He said that he heard a trucker call them girls. They said, "We're not girls..we are Men." Addison was worried that the truckers would be able to find them. When Wayne assured them that they wouldn't do that they had a lot more fun.
Later in the week, Melinda looked out of her kitchen window and saw Monson in their white truck. He had somehow released the breaks and was rolling down the street. She yelled at Wayne who ran out and finally jumped in the truck and stopped it before it turned into a tragedy. When Monson felt it start to move he was scared and tried to get out...and so he was hanging out of it while it was moving down the hill toward Davis Blvd. It was all very frightening. Speaking of Monson. He's now potty trained day and night. You see all it took was some new Power Ranger Undies. He announced to his mother that if he messed in them the, "Power Rangers won't yike me." Whatever it takes...right?
Truman got new underwear at the same time along with new socks. That night, when Melinda went in to tuck him in bed, he had on every pair of socks and every pair of underwear. Reason? "I can't make up my mind which one I like." Then a few nights later she was in her room and she heard Wayne say, "Truman...get your underwear off of your head and go to bed." Let's just say he likes new underwear.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Glad he was born....
We celebrated September birthdays at Marcie's with a swiss steak dinner, ice cream and cupcakes. Lyle, Nelson, Rachel and Preston! |
He is making life work without my mom....this is no easy task....yet he is giving it his best effort.
Dad is feeling better since his heat attack at the beginning of the month. He says it feels good to have blood flowing through his body. He has a good attitude.
10 things Dad is doing great......
- using his ipad and keeping in touch with family and friends.
-Dad is walking a 1/2 mile every morning, sometimes more.
-He has projects and investment ideas.
-He spends family time and eats or visits with at east one of his children every day.
-Dad is loving his new garage doors, and is excited to have a warm car this winter.
-I'm happy to report that Dad is not a hoarder. He is even doing a good job at taking care of the piles on his counter of bills and mail.
-Dad is going to church and choir practice every week.
- Dad fills a sealing assignment at the temple every week.
- Dad is still puttering around his yard, caring for his tomatoes and flowers.
-Dad has Preston at his home two mornings a week, and gets him off to school.
Of course, he still has his occasional pity party, but don't we all.
I'm pretty proud of him. I know Mom is too.
Happy Birthday Daddy-o!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Friday Family Flashback
March 17, 1996
Monson has a hard time saying the "g" sound on anything. He was in the car with Wayne and he said, "Dad we hate dulos don't we?" Wayne said, "No. Mom is a girl and grandma is a girl...Andrea, the favorite family baby sitter is a girl." Monson was quiet for about a minute then he said, "Dad, we hate yiddo dulos don't we."
And now for a story that is a bit more gross.....Truman is quite a thinker. He is always discovering the world. He is really a wonder kid. He wonders all of the time about everything. The other night, after he had been in bed about half an hour...he came to the top of the stairs and called for his dad. He said, "Dad, I just know when I go poop the hole gets bigger." Then he shook his head in great satisfaction, smiled and went back to bed.
Monson has a hard time saying the "g" sound on anything. He was in the car with Wayne and he said, "Dad we hate dulos don't we?" Wayne said, "No. Mom is a girl and grandma is a girl...Andrea, the favorite family baby sitter is a girl." Monson was quiet for about a minute then he said, "Dad, we hate yiddo dulos don't we."
And now for a story that is a bit more gross.....Truman is quite a thinker. He is always discovering the world. He is really a wonder kid. He wonders all of the time about everything. The other night, after he had been in bed about half an hour...he came to the top of the stairs and called for his dad. He said, "Dad, I just know when I go poop the hole gets bigger." Then he shook his head in great satisfaction, smiled and went back to bed.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
My photos
I took September 18 and set the alarm on my phone to go off every hour on the hour....from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm....I took a picture of whatever I was doing at that time, or whomever I was with. I don't know if it's interesting or boring....but it is my life.

7:00 am Alarm goes off and we have scripture reading with Me, Wayne and Laila on our bed.
5:00pm Chatting with Tru at the kitchen counter. He is updating our phones to the new IOS 7 system. He is excited about gadgets and all of the new stuff just like his father

6:00pm Making dinner....Chicken fajitas....350 calories and yes, I am counting every one.
10:00 pm....The Dog waiting for us to get to bed. She sleeps under our bed every night.
7:00 am Alarm goes off and we have scripture reading with Me, Wayne and Laila on our bed.
8:00am Breakfast time with Preston and Laila before they are off to school. I got my green smoothie.
9:00am Working out at the gym watching Live with Kelly and Michael
10:00am BLow drying my hair. Just out of the shower
11:00am School work. Making Phone calls to families
12:00pm Lunch break and errands in the car
1:00pm more work in front of the computer again
2:00pm Finished my Diet Coke....that's right. I'm back on the hard stuff. I'm trying to control it better this time around. Wish me luck.
3:00pm working at the computer still....creating some "blabberize "characters to send to my school kids.
4:00pm Out to get the mail. Tru already got it in. The day is gorgeous even though summer is on it's way out.5:00pm Chatting with Tru at the kitchen counter. He is updating our phones to the new IOS 7 system. He is excited about gadgets and all of the new stuff just like his father

6:00pm Making dinner....Chicken fajitas....350 calories and yes, I am counting every one.
7:00pm Escape to my bedroom for a quick tv show....Property Brothers. I'm actually hiding out in here....shhhhhh
8:00pm Helping Laila and Kinsley with their melted crayon mess and homework.10:00 pm....The Dog waiting for us to get to bed. She sleeps under our bed every night.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
3 Birthdays, a Closet and a Run.
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Sandy, Wayne, Terry and Mark. Wayne with Ella . Laila and Becca being a 3 legged man. |
Terry turned 50 on 9/11 and Cyrrena surprised him with a party at the church. He thought he was going to do Stake audit stuff when he came to the primary room but we had cake and festivities instead.
My walk in closet is done. It is double the original size. That is reason to celebrate. I loaded it all back in and I can't believe all my stuff. Now I need to clean out. Thanks to nephew Brad Bentley for making this happen. We still have Monson's side to work on.
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Laura with Aubrey Whitman. Pres. Taylor is always a good sport. |
Friday, September 13, 2013
Friday Family Flashback
March 9, 1996
Monson loves to go and visit Aunt Lynette and Uncle Lynn in Woodland Hills. He gets really excited about going to the Poulters. He tells me that he is going to see Aunt Lynette and Uncle Ette. We couldn't figure out what he was talking about and then we realized that he knew Lynn's name was something like Lynette but he just chose the wrong end of the name to say. He calls them this when ever he sees them.
The time has come for Monson to be potty trained. It is an experience to say the least. Take today for example. He wore his under pants all day long. He was told NOT to wet them. HE was out jumping on the trampoline, suddenly he just stops. Wayne watched him get off of the tramp, pull down his pants and pee on the grass. He looks up and sees Wayne watching him, he just grins big, waves, pulls his pants up and gets back on the tramp. Wayne says that that proves he is ready to go camping with the guys.
The Terry Welch family came over for dinner. During dinner Melinda said to Monson, "Tell Uncle Terry what you are wearing today." Now she thought that he would just say underpants. But you have to remember he is a Welch and a very unpredictable one at that. HE stood up on his chair and began to pull down his outer pants. Melinda thought that he would just say "see." But no. He took off his levis and his underpants and then he said, "see." They were all in stun. Then he jumped off of the chair and ran towards the bathroom, half naked. Before he got there he said, "Don't anyone come in and see me. I don't have any pants on so don't anyone look." HE came out of the bathroom as proud as he could be. That kid is a real piece of work.
Monson loves to go and visit Aunt Lynette and Uncle Lynn in Woodland Hills. He gets really excited about going to the Poulters. He tells me that he is going to see Aunt Lynette and Uncle Ette. We couldn't figure out what he was talking about and then we realized that he knew Lynn's name was something like Lynette but he just chose the wrong end of the name to say. He calls them this when ever he sees them.
The time has come for Monson to be potty trained. It is an experience to say the least. Take today for example. He wore his under pants all day long. He was told NOT to wet them. HE was out jumping on the trampoline, suddenly he just stops. Wayne watched him get off of the tramp, pull down his pants and pee on the grass. He looks up and sees Wayne watching him, he just grins big, waves, pulls his pants up and gets back on the tramp. Wayne says that that proves he is ready to go camping with the guys.
The Terry Welch family came over for dinner. During dinner Melinda said to Monson, "Tell Uncle Terry what you are wearing today." Now she thought that he would just say underpants. But you have to remember he is a Welch and a very unpredictable one at that. HE stood up on his chair and began to pull down his outer pants. Melinda thought that he would just say "see." But no. He took off his levis and his underpants and then he said, "see." They were all in stun. Then he jumped off of the chair and ran towards the bathroom, half naked. Before he got there he said, "Don't anyone come in and see me. I don't have any pants on so don't anyone look." HE came out of the bathroom as proud as he could be. That kid is a real piece of work.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Having a BABY
We have baby boy Welch showing up January 2014.
Addison made up a darling circus themed birth announcement with a scratch off balloon game to see if its a boy or girl
We have been keeping this secret since May. It's been so hard not to burst out in song about it all of the time when asked about Add and Bre's plans. She is 5 months along and has finally been told she can't be Ariel in fin anymore.
Oh well.... The little merman baby will be worth it.....and definitely a little goofy
Team Jelly Belly
Another great bike trip. To St George this time. Wayne got us matching Jelly Belly biking kits. He said, "Finally a shirt that tells it like it is." They actually generate a lot of comments from other bikers. Bob Farley has one and Eric Belnap is going to get one too so we can be team Jelly Belly.
We rode Into Zion's National Park. It was gorgeous. We drove out there through an amazing sunrise.
The great part about biking Zion's is no cars are allowed in. Only a few tour buses that go really slow so the tourists can see. We had smooth roads going up and the canyon all to ourselves ... and a few wild turkeys, antlered deer, hawks and a giant tarantula.
We bike so we can end our ride with chocolate milk and chocolate doughnuts from Maverick. Delish
Day two biking was up to the Snow Canyon parkway, out past Tuacahn and into Kayente. The Red Rock was peaceful and beautiful. Love biking here. We stopped In Santa Clara to have breakfast at Tiffany's--yummy crepes
I pretty much bike just to justify my eating habits.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Friday Family Flashback
Feb 18, 1996
Monson Story. He walked into the family room and looked up at his mother and said..."I don't have anything in my pocket." Now I that an invitation or what to ask him what he has in his pocket? So after about 30 seconds, Melinda said, "Monson, what do you have in your pocket?" He looked like he had been how did she know?...who told her? He shoved his hand in his pocket and proceeded to empty a whole pocket full of chewable vitamin C, all of the time muttering something to himself. He really lives life to the fullest and with great gusto. We just laugh at him all of the time.
Monson Story. He walked into the family room and looked up at his mother and said..."I don't have anything in my pocket." Now I that an invitation or what to ask him what he has in his pocket? So after about 30 seconds, Melinda said, "Monson, what do you have in your pocket?" He looked like he had been how did she know?...who told her? He shoved his hand in his pocket and proceeded to empty a whole pocket full of chewable vitamin C, all of the time muttering something to himself. He really lives life to the fullest and with great gusto. We just laugh at him all of the time.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Sharing Sheri....the event
We had a variety of people in attendance. So thankful for extended family who drove in from Utah County. Their support was so lovely and meaningful. We had over 90 people come from all walks of life.
We announced the Sheri Cole Scholarship for the Performing Arts. We are thrilled about this idea and are going to give a cash award scholarship to a Music/Dance/Theatre student at Bountiful High School each year. We have plans to extend it to all 4 south Davis high schools. We are in the process of setting up a Tax exempt foundation to make this happen. Mom loved working with high school kids and she was passionate about the performing arts, so this is a really good fit.
Si Foster helped with the food...which is overwhelming for everyone, except her. We had yummy Chicken pasta salad, brownies and cookies. (She is so goofy)Thanks to Diane Lake, Jo Cash and Mel Evans for helping with this too.
Rachel, Laurie, Megan, Becca and Jenna |
Gary was wonderful as the 5 Love Languages presenter. He was articulate, funny and kept it moving along. Michelle King and her sister Alisha Tebbs honored Sheri and helped us all get inspired about developing and sharing our own talents.
We were so appreciative to Jana and Sean Monson for the use of The Grand Ballroom.
It was a lovely night and I really felt mom smiling down on all of us.
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