My Monson Missionary is in pain. He has aggravated his 5 year old wrist injury and can't function in Michigan. The pain is in his wrist and radiating up his arm into his shoulder and back. He can't drive the car. He can't hold his scriptures. He can't write or type with his right hand. His scar is hyper sensitive and very painful. Pres. Hess, Monson's mission pres, has called Wayne many times to try and figure out how to help our boy. We have had Dr. Huish and Doc Johnston in the conversation and currently we are bracing, icing and "alleve"-ing. He probably needs physical therapy and some narcotic...but that can't really happen on a mission. Pres. Hess spoke warmly about Monson. He said, "the mission can't afford to lose a missionary who is so mature and one who is really making things happen." It was nice to hear that atleast. Monson writes, " But man it's been rough. All I wanted to do was just be a normal missionary and just be able to work hard everyday. I know that's exactly why this happened because I was just great working everyday and having a swell time so obviously I needed a little more opposition or something.... but I'll make it :). Sorry I'm broken."
I miss my boyfriend. We are fasting this next weekend, along with his entire mission and praying for him constantly.
He is still sending me silly pics of himself in North Muskey.
My mom- Grandma Sheri-- has started her second round of Chemo. She only made it 4 months cancer free, and then all of her bloated symptoms came back and her numbers shot back up to over 2000. Chemo means a bad week, a better week, and a good week...then she starts it all over again in a 3 week cycle. She is being a good sport about this, but it's definitely not fun. Mom just got about an inch of hair growth and all of her eyelashes back in....and now she will be bald and wigged for the winter. She had a great summer though-- Scotland trip, Bear Lake, West Yellowstone.. On the bright side, the Scotland Sharkey's are coming to visit for 3 weeks and play nursemaid to her and be pals for my dad. They are angels! We can't wait for Oct. 16th!
The Show must go on. We are always in a show, finishing a show or auditioning for a show. If you are a Welch, it's just what we do. Landon just finished playing John Brooks in Little Women at CPT. Addison and Bre had a show filled summer at West Yellowstone, have auditioned for the Disney company and are playing the "waiting game" so they are going to be in A Christmas Carol at Hale .. while they wait. They have more disney auditions in Oct. and Nov. I am going to, hopefully, be in a show for the Christmas season, 5 Carols for Christmas at CPT. Laila is trying to figure out what show she can do. We always have to be on stage and have someone clapping for us. Good thing Wayne is patient and supportive of our addiction.
I was so sad, when I pulled on a pair of long pants and a sweater yesterday and again today. My summer is slipping away so quickly. I'm praying for good weather clear through the end of October. Come on Indian Summer!!!
This is typical Lyle in his typical beach attire. You know he is on vacation because he has his shoes off. |
It's my dad's 81st birthday TODAY! Happy Birthday Grandpa Lyle!!
He is pretty awesome. He taught me to love baseball, to love when BYU beats the U in Football, to always know where my shoes are in case there is a natural disaster, to work and then play, to put your spouse as #1, to be kind and nice to everyone you meet, to follow the gospel plan and to cry at the drop of a hat.... literally.
My dad is a real gentleman. If men still wore hats...he would! He looks great in a suit, white shirt and tie. Always so sharp!
He served two honorable missions. He loves the Lord and loves his fellowman. He speaks to all of the kids/teenagers in his ward --and they know him and love him right back. It's great to watch.
Most importantly, my dad adores my mom. They are so sweet to each other. I'm so glad he is here to help her through her chemo/cancer days. They make a great team!
I'm so glad to celebrate another year with him.