Saturday, June 30, 2012

Catching up.....End of June

The good news about admitting to my pizza disaster was all of the helps and recipes that came my way.  This is Pizza #2 try.  SO MUCH BETTER....thank you Carolyn.  Wayne devoured it.   It was very good.  I have two more recipes to try.  But this crust was excellent.  Not 100% whole wheat...but it was mostly.  This one also had a crushed tomato and cooked onion sauce.   The melted  mozarella and basil were delish. 

We got our Road Bikes!!! We have logged about 60 miles so far... not too many, but we have broken our butts in, which is a giant step.  We want to ride around Bear Lake for my 50th birthday... it's 50 miles. I think that's a good way to commemorate.  
We kind of look like the circus came to town.... but I like IT!  Wayne and I actually have matching red shirts.  We are a team.  My bike is named Dolce.... it's Sweet!

We took Mom and Dad up to Yellowstone to see the Playmill shows.  They loved Drowsy Chaperone and Dirty Rotten Scoundrel.  Addison and Bre are so good!!!  They were still in the throws of rehearsal for Annie Get Your Gun so we couldn't visit much... but we will go back in July and August.
Kitty and Grandma Sheri 
Adolfo with Grandpa Lyle

Friday, June 29, 2012

TGIF.....grandpa's grave

Grandma Butters, Aunt Christie and my momma Sheri.
20 years ago today...we were all gathered at my Grandpa Butters grave site.  His funeral was over and we were in the "after glow" of the event.  SO many flowers were there, which was great, because Grandpa loved Flowers.

I was pregnant with Monson at the time, and when Monson came down with red hair we all said it was because Grandpa Butters made it that way.

A favorite, Silly picture of him.... wearing a mustache at the BASH kids carnival...I sure love my Grandpa!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

40 lessons for my SONS

I have seen a lot of lists like this on the internet  on this topic, and I have taken the best of what speaks to me and what I want to say to my sons, and put it here.
Monson, Addison, Landon, Truman....Laila just hanging on - Nov. 2009
Life lessons for my boys  

1. Don't let a day go by without doing something for someone else.  It's as easy as smiling at someone.  It makes them happy and makes you happy too.

2. When you're in your twenties - you're still learning and growing.  You'll understand this in your 30's.

3. Invite the newbie to sit with at church or eat with you at lunch.

4. Be creative!  You grew up with a mom crafting and painting and a dad who played tickle monster and guided you on the computer.

5. Be passionate about your job.  You don't have to keep the same one the rest of your life, but like what you do.

6. We all have to do the grunt work sometimes.  It doesn't matter how educated you are or how much money you have.

7. Be active in your own life.  Don't let it pass you by just sitting around with video games or watching tv.

8. Dumb actions early in life can alter your ability to get the job you'd like in the future. So can Dumb Facebook posts.

9. Go on vacation with your family at least once a year.  Families need to learn how to vacation with one another.

10. Always send thank you notes.  An email is okay....handwritten is better.

11. Live without debt.  Money problems ruin marriages, friendships, and jobs. You don't need everything now.  Delayed gratification is a great lesson.

12. Treat the waitress with respect and the janitor and the secretary.... they are helping YOU.

13. Do not settle for a spouse.  Wait.  God has just the right one for you that we've been praying for.

14. Sex is great - just save it for the one you love!

15. Depression is hard to handle.  If you struggle with it, learn how to deal with it and get help.

16. Having a relationship with God is important.  One way to continue to grow and learn is by being active in your church.

17. Laugh!  It's the best stress reliever. 

18. Understanding The Five Love Languages is a simple way to have a healthy relationship with your spouse or any loved one.

19. Be mindful of what you watch on TV or the internet.  Too much of a bad thing is bad.

20. Turn off the tv and READ!  ( books on tape work too)

21. You don't need alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes to have a good time.

22. The best thing you can do for your children is to love your spouse. 

23.  Have a firm handshake and make eye contact, it shows your confidence. 

24. Choose your best attitude.  It really is a choice.

25. Be careful about engaging in emotional relationships with women who are not your wife.

26. Give back to your community.  While you're doing good for others, it really does the most for you!

27. Try to use your time wisely.  Too much free time is not productive.

28. Life, love, and relationships are not like the movies.  Neither is sex.

29. Only lend someone money if you never expect to see it again.

30. Give 100% when you are at work, and 100% when you are home.  Be in the moment!

31. Wear Sunscreen.  Trust me.

32. Remember compliments you receive.  Forget the insults.

33. Using good manners and being respectful can help you land your dream job.

34. You've been given some great gifts and talents.  Find time to nurture them.

35. Mental health days are good for the soul.

36.  Choose a spouse that is also your best friend.  That will make you happiest in the end.

37.  Find something active that you enjoy and do it your whole life.

38.  Work on your testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ...don't let it slip away.

39. Call your mom.

40.  You are loved unconditionally!  Nothing you could ever do or say would make me stop loving you.  Of all the boys in the world, I'm glad God gave me YOU to be my sons!


Friday, June 22, 2012

TGIF....Motor Home

Loading the motor home outside of Lynn and Lynnett's Provo home.  We loved traveling with our cousins.
I have never taken my own family on a motor home vacation.... too much gas and too much gas, if you know what I mean...... but I loved my motor home experiences growing up.  We had a Pace Arrow Motor home  from my 5th grade year to my 8th grade year.  We used it a lot.  We took many trips up to the Palisades in Wyoming/Montana and to California for Disneyland with the Poulter family and Grandma Butters.

On our first excursion as we were rolling down I-15, the suitcases that were strapped on top of the motor home, some how, got loose and started flying off the top and on to the interstate.  We were playing cards around the table in the back picture window of the motorhome.....  we saw suitcases burst open and t shirts, pants and garments go flying everywhere.  It was funny.   Probably, more funny, were all of the parents running around on the freeway trying to gather back all of their stuff while cars whizzed by.   Quite the show!

Our motor home  got robbed while staying at Disneyland's KOA camp.  We must have surprised the theives because they only made off with my Grandma's bright purple, Samsonite make up case.... the mini suitcase kind that always came in a suitcase set..... remember?...remember?

Grandma Butter's was never the au- natural kind of gal.  This makeup case was probably the worst thing that could have been taken.    From then on when we left the motor home we cleverly and loudly said.... "Goodbye, Grandpa. Have a nice nap.  We'll be back in just a few minutes."  We knew the thieves were still wanting our stuff and listening to our every word, so we really hammed it up. 

It must have worked we were never robbed again.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Father's Day

Laila's father's day card 2012

                                          Laila with her two men........ Grandpa Lyle and Daddy-o!!
We got Wayne a Road Bike... I'm getting one for my birthday, so we are ready for long rides and getting in shape. ( My butt hurts just thinking about it.)

Wayne likes to get pics with all of his kids on Father's Day.... 2 out 5 children were in town.
Wayne spoke on the phone with Truman and Addison............
Monson wrote:  Happy Fathers Day! I am so glad to have the Dad that I do have.   I never realized how big of an impact Fathers really have and what a difference they make in their kids lives.  The difference that Dad has made in my life is great!..... so thanks Dad, Love You!

My dad showing off his new hair do.... not to be out done by Mom, showing us her 1/4 inch hair growth!
Momma went to her Dr. 3 month- Check back visit and all is well.  We are so proud of her.
I love my dad so much.  He is a true Gentle-man.  He has such a Christ-like countenance about him.  It's wonderful to see how devoted he is to mom.    Father's Day is a great day to remember all of  this.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

June Family Weddings

Becca and Casey Call were married June 9th.  IT was a sunny, blustery, beautiful, cold day.   It was a wonderful day with a Salt Lake Temple wedding, pictures with hair blowing every where and skirts blowing up and prayers that the bad weather would stay away.      
Wayne loves to photo bomb pictures...and he's really good at it.  We had a big family dinner the night before at Joy Luck.   When Wayne first met Casey Call, he told him, "You better be good to Becca, or I will hunt you down and kill you."  Casey thought Wayne didn't like him.  I wonder why?   Wayne was just teasing.  Casey has since  heard all of the Uncle Wayne is a spy or works for the CIA stories.  Now he gets it.  

 At one point momma Sheri had to grab her wig to keep it from flying.  It was pretty funny.  She was holding it on like a hat.  
The Reception was at the Wiser back yard... My brother Adam's best friend since he was 17....they have a big, private, gorgeous back yard.  Christine knocked herself out with the decorations. She made two amazing quilts as well.    Even though we were wearing coats, we had a fun, hour long dance party at the end of the reception.  The cousins LOVE this.  One of the Bride's highlights was talking to Truman via skype.  We walked him through the line.

 Patrick Welch married Kirstie Pepers on June 15th.... it was a beautiful, hot, breezy day.
We now have another Mr. and Mrs. Welch in the family.
We had a Salt Lake temple ceremony, pictures, then a lovely luncheon at the Joseph Smith Building.   The highlight was Aunt Holly giving the newlyweds some advice.... "Don't get's bad."  
We had the reception in Terry and Cyrrena's yard.  Unlike rainy, muddy,  sister Nicole's reception here 3 years ago, Patrick's was event free.

Friday, June 15, 2012

TGIF..... Eye Tree

I  walk past this tree atleast 4 times a week.  It's on my exercise route that I do with my friend, Si.  I don't know why I never noticed this tree looking at me before....

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Goals Update

So how are my goals going this year, you ask?
Well..... the no Movie Theatre popcorn for a year goal is totally on target.  IT's been difficult to smell all of that pop corn and buttery goodness.. but so far the smell is enough when I am at a movie theatre.   When I think about all of the calories in a bucket  and the fake preservatives in the oil, I am feeling pretty good about this decision.  

The no pop- no soda- no carbonation goal since April 20th..... is also going great.  I am not missing it and I am amazed.  Only water for me.

My making a Marguerita whole wheat pizza that is to die for, in my own kitchen, on a pizza stone..... has been an epic far.  The first attempt was definitely a learning one.  I should have aborted the entire mission when the pizza dough wasn't soft and moist enough after the initial kneading.  But, as usual, I forged ahead knowing that my inner Julia Child could pull this off.   I crushed the tomatoes and looked in the fridge for the fresh basil that I thought I had.   I was wrong.   I baked it all off anyway...and the only good part about the entire thing was the melted fresh mozzarella on top that I scraped off and ate like some mozzarella loving animal.   I had a few bites of the crust and crushed tomatoes...but truly it was..... HORRIBLE! Into the garbage can it went.   I used the South Beach recipe and I will never, ever again.  
On to pizza #2.....I will be channeling Si Foster this next time....Julia Child failed me.
I know... look's a pizza disaster!

I started my online Art class from Flora Bowley.   Thrilled about this 5 week.... to 6 month adventure.  This is a painting course where you intuitively approach the canvas with no pre-conceived idea of what you are painting. It's all about play and adding color and seeing what emerges from the canvas.  I bought my supplies and felt like a real artist.  My dad says he's "afraid" to even look at what I am doing.... it might be a tree, or is it a fish?  Hard to tell, but it sure is fun!

The chopstix eating goal is an ongoing process.  I have had Chinese food twice since setting this one.  The first dinner, I lasted about 10 minutes, cramped up and then I had to fork my way through the rest of the meal.  On dinner #2, I was doing pretty good til I put too much pressure on my top stick trying to pick up  a slippery onion and the stick flew out of my hand and on to the floor.  The fork worked great  for the last few bites.  I know at some point I can relax and not think so hard about doing this, but currently it's a challenge. 

I have got a lot on my plate right now....

Friday, June 8, 2012

TGIF.....4 in a tub

Hayden, Monson, Becca and Jenna...........Rub a dub- dub, 4 cousins in a tub....This was taken on a family trip to Loa, Utah over Easter Break in 1995.
Becca...the demonic one.... is getting married tomorrow.  She is an angel now.
We love her and are so excited for her new life with Casey Call.

And...... Hayden, Jenna and Monson turned out pretty great too.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer is HERE!

Summer is HERE... and I am excited.  It's my favorite time of the year.  No schedules, lots of heat,  vacations and family time, plus my birthday....I love it!   We have already done tons of stuff and it's only the first week.
Laila last day of 4th Grade....
Elephant rock is right below me......
We climbed to Elephant rock.... Me, Laureen Carlsen, Diane Lake, Kimi Farley and Si Foster
Lunch at Settebello's with some of my girlfriends....Kimi, Mel Evans, Brooke Foster... she served us... Me and Si.

 Off to Yellowstone to visit Addison and Bre.  We slept on a blow up mattress on their kitchen floor in their teeny apartment.  I told Laila- this is camping. We took up gifts for Addison and Bre  to celebrate Addison's 26th birthday...

Walking around West Yellowstone
Add and Bre posing by the Playmill poster pic of them
Add and Laila at intermission.... selling FUDGE
Kitty and Adolfo in The Drowsy Chaperone.  Bre is Darling and ditzy at Kitty and Addison is over the top -- pee your pants-- funny as Adolfo.  They have two more shows to get ready for this summer, and we will go up to Yellowstone atleast 2 more times.

Wayne and Laila... we headed into the Park to see beautiful water falls and animals.

We saw Elk, Buffalo, a chipmunk and a Bear..... Wayne swears he saw a bear, none of the rest of us did.  

cute baby bison everywhere!!

We had Playmill  friends Jenny and Aaron Moss join us in the park.

Landon gets best brother award.  He read out loud to Laila  from The Princess Bride all of the way up and back.

This is a pretty good start to my Summer.
My summer goals include: Learn to make a Margueita Pizza with whole wheat pizza crust.  Take an Art class.  Eat an entire chinese meal using chop stix and not a fork.  Turn 50.   Swim once a week.   I hope I can accomplish all of this............