We celebrated Dad's 80th Birthday on Sunday. He is a wonderful, good, kind, handsome Man. These are just some of the attributes shared about him as we took our turns around the tables saying what we loved about Lyle. We gathered for a family dinner of Swiss Steak, potatoes and squash, followed by Raspberry Trifle. Just what dad ordered. He fell down on Thursday and wrenched his good shoulder, probably a torn rotator cuff, he already had a bad shoulder. Not fun. So, he wasn't his usual jolly self, but he did enjoy the company and the gift. All of us wrote our testimonies down and put them in a COLE FAMILY TESTIMONY book just for him. What else do you get an 80 year old?
Landon , Nelson, Aaron, Megan, Addison and Bre |
Jenna, Becca, Hayden |
Jordan, Laurie, Rachel, Anthony |
Christine, Adam Sheri, Lyle |
Angela and Guy |
Al and Liz |
Wayne, Melinda, Marcie |
Marcie, Nelson, Gary |
Angela, Dad, Megan, Rachel looking at Testimony Book |
Uncle Floyd Israelsen's funeral was on Saturday. He was 92. He was a Saint of a farmer and the Stake patriarch in Logan. He gave 934 blessings. His family did a great job honoring him. One of the messages that I keep thinking about was given by his son, Clark. He said at his mom's funeral an older gentleman came up to him and said, "As good as your parents are, you really should have turned out better." The man didn't laugh, just turned and walked away. Clark was shocked, but he thought about it and realized the man was probably right. Wow. I know my parents are perfectly fabulous, and I want to try to
turn out to be better. More loving. More kind. More gentle. More inclusive. More.
Pres. Uchtdorf's talk on Forget Me Nots touched me and has stayed with me. Part of this is because he is a master speech writer.
1. Forget Not to be patient with your self.
2. Forget Not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice.
3. Forget not to be HAPPY now.
4. Forget not the WHY of the Gospel.
5. Forget not that the LORD Loves YOU!
He uses sign posts, gives great examples and wraps up at the end with a review.
He would get an A in my speech class. I am really looking forward to Conference.
Speaking of
my class,
a student from 1985 just sent me his first published book in the mail.
Rejiggering the Thingamajig and other stories. Eric Stone is a science fiction writer who has received numerous awards. He sent me a note along with the book thanking me for encouraging his creativity, and I am also listed in the book's acknowledgements. It was so nice to unexpectedly receive this from him.
So many times as a teacher I wonder if I make any difference at all.
Wayne and I have started
eating "good" again. We have to do something because the scale keeps going up. We are at the nothing fits stage and look like sausages in the clothes that we put on every day. Laila loves us just the way we are. As we discuss new eating patterns and losing weight, she is always disgusted with us. When I told her I would have to buy new clothes if I didn't lose some weight, she optimistically said, "maybe it's just a growth spurt!?!"