1. I am thankful Wayne is back from a 9 day China trip. There is always a piece of me missing when he's away. I am glad he's back even though he is tired and dizzy and reeks like chinese food.
Laila as JoJo, Aubrey Monson as Cat in Hat and Hayden as Horton the Elephant |
With Paige Maxfield and Lana Wilson in "Wonder" |
3. I am thankful Add and Bre made it safely to London. Bre had to go through some tough airport- pat- down times....but that's just part of the adventure. They are seeing 30 shows....my dream come true...touring the historic sites, writing papers and getting college credit....plus they will have sidewalk views of the Royal Wedding. WHAT FUN!!! I want to be a mouse in Addison's pocket...except he hates mice and would be screaming if he saw me there.....so maybe a butterfuly on his shoulder would be better?
4. I am thankful for Skype.... I can keep in touch with my Londoners.... and my missionary is calling me on Mother's Day!!!
5. I am thankful Landon completed this semester of school. He jumped back into UVU in January and it has been a good struggle for him-- his headaches have kept him away from many class days. He had quite an experience trying to get his writing portfolio turned in. He took the 3 hour final in the morning, then went back to his house in South Jordan to get his portfolio...it was due at the professor's office by 5:00 --- no exceptions. He had all sorts of trouble with a traffic jam and printers and email etc....fast forward.....he is now racing to where he thinks the professor's office is at 5 minutes to 5.....it's not there. Landon has had it, is breaking down, when who should pass by him, but this same professor. He asked why Landon was so stressed and Landon explained. The professor accepted the portfolio and walked him to his office for future reference. Talk about a tender mercy.
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Bre and Add in LONDON...preparing for the royal wedding!! |
6. I am thankful for other mercies..... My sweet Sis in Law Tami burned her legs last weekend with boiling easter egg water. She was carrying the eggs to the sink when the pan handle broke and water spilled all down her legs. She was in screaming pain.... I know this pain and I truly feel for her. This experience is so much like my own years ago with the au jus from the Sunday Roast. The boiling water hit both her legs, but where her garments were there is a distinct line of burn/no burn. She was protected. Even in the burning devastation .... testimonies were strengthened.
7. I am thankful we only have 5 weeks of school left. It's a struggle to get Monson out of bed in the mornings but he is making it. He is getting excited for his next chapter at Dixie State.
8. I am thankful for the Royal Wedding. It's great to have something joyful and beautiful and "fluffy" to think about and hear about and watch on the TV. I can't wait to watch the pageantry and the dresses and the pomp and ceremony that is sooooo British!
9. I am thankful for the Special Mutual Show.... Holly was a terrific Tulip....and I also enjoyed 4 other ward members: Nick and Jake Carlson, Nick Uzelack and Paul Barnson. It's a good reality check for me every year. It gives me perspective of what's really important in our world. It was so tender to watch Steve Carlson with his son, Jake...both being a frog....while the song I love you just the way you are played. Tears.
10. I am thankful.