perfect for Halloween.....
I found Laila in the lobby at Bountiful High School with her head in a red trash can....
throwing up. It was like cartoon character throw just kept going and going.
I was enjoying Monson's choir concert. Laila was not.
puked on the floor, she
puked in the garbage can, and in the cup I gave her to hold in our car so we could get home before she had another violent attack.
What happened?
When did this bug get my little girl?
Needless to say, we had a rough night. She
puked 5 more times throughout the night, never and I mean NEVER hitting the puke bowl or the toilet bowl.
Not. Even. Once.
I have been doing laundry all day, spraying and disinfecting the house.
I hope no one else gets it.
How to recover?
It's been a couple of hours and of course she is
starving. She wants ice cream, cold cereal, cheese bread.....all milk products that I am not going to give her. She wasn't the one cleaning up in the wee hours.
She can have sips of sprite, toast and crackers.
Nothing else.
She is begging for "raw" Froot Loops...this evidently means without milk.
As Laila was t
ossing her goodies in the garbage can at BHS... I had a flash back of me doing the same thing, in probably the same garbage can, when I was pregnant with Addison and Landon. I taught at BHS up until Landon was born. They were both summer babies, so my first trimester was always during the beginnings of school. The bathroom stalls and garbage cans were my friends. The custodians were not.
Let me give a belated "I'm so sorry" to them.
I had other pregnant
spews. I remember driving to a New Years party up in North Logan. We had to pull over twice and I did the
technicolor yawn all over the high way. I don't miss being sick and preggo.
I have one really vivid memory of children
throwing up when Addison was four and Landon, two. They were in new bunk beds, sharing a room. Truman had just been born and was enjoying his pink "girl" bunny nursery. ( But I digress.....) It was a
sick night at the Welch house. Addison
threw up in the middle of the night all over the wall, from the top bunk bed. It was our spaghetti dinner from hours earlier. It pretty much looked the same coming back up as it did on his plate. Ok. It was definitely worse...but you get the idea. It hit the wall 7 feet up and ran all of the way down splattering on Landon and bedding, bunk rails and carpet all the way to the mauve carpeted floor.
Oh yes.
Good times.
I remember looking at it incredulously.
Did this really just happen?
Is this a nightmare?
Wayne and I did the divide and conquer thing. He cleaned up Addison and Landon and comforted them, while I did the bed room. There was no comforting me.
I'll just say this one time, to get it off of my chest..........I HATE PUKE! The smell totally makes me want know.
This is your chance to share a favorite
upchuck story....yours or a loved ones.
Misery loves company.
Laila is demanding a half of an apple, cored, and peeled with absolutely no skin.......I gotta go! It looks like she is on the mend.