Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Cali trip with T and L

 We did our annual run away trip with Tim and Linda.  We love just doing fun, spontaneous trips and these two are always up for a good time.  This year we went to San Jose/Santa Cruz California and surrounding areas.  We rented a Tesla to drive around in, which was fun and a challenge trying to find charging stations and waiting for the bueno.

We had a fun time playing at the Santa Cruz beach and the boardwalk. We searched for sea glass everywhere we went.

Searching for Sea glass at Davenport beach and watching an amazing sunset. 

Checking out Capitola – my new favorite, quaint beach town. Good Mexican food, colorful buildings and Antiquing.

Plus Monterey for the hundreds of sea lions sunning themselves on the shore ... and more sea glass hunting. We also made our obligatory dance video-that we always do when we travel together, on the boardwalk.

...and going to a Redwood Forest with gigantic trees.  We actually went in a giant redwood and stood up inside. Redwoods grow for hundreds of years-- thousands. Their redwood is poison to insects so they don't get diseased too often. Their bark is so strong the tree can be burned on the outside and still grow for hundreds of years. Amazing.

Throw in good food and lots of laughs and we had a wonderful, quick 2 ½ days.

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