Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Finding Neverland

I got to go see Finding Neverland with Bre last night for her belated birthday present.  I love spending time with this beautiful girl.  She is insightful and kind. She shares my passion for musical theatre and gets all of the things that I get.  She wants to talk about all of the personal growth and life awareness and finding your WHY stuff that I love to talk about.    Bre is a wonderful mother and a huge supporter of my Addison.   It was great to be with her and catch up on her life  and have some one on one time. 

I really like this Show.  It's very creative with the direction and the choreography.   The problem with the show last night was all about the Sound....and this is the Eccles theatre issue, not the show.  It was distracting.
The other distracting thing was the lady in front of me who couldn't sit still.  She kept changing positions and moving her head.  She would sit up straight and then sit to the right, sit to the left, cuddle her daughter, reach down for a drink, put her coat on and off...just all of the things.  Because she has moving, I had to keep moving (which was not great for the people behind me) and it was hard for me to see the whole stage, I was always looking around her head.   Going into intermission I was totally bugged.  I was searching for a new place to sit but had no luck.  Going into the second act I tried on a conscious thought shift about it.  Instead of being irritated I moved to compassion.  Maybe she has a back problem and sitting still is painful for her.  Maybe she is sacrificing to be here with her daughter even though it's painful for her.   I don't know if any of this is true...and that's okay.    It really helped the second half of the show be so much better for me just by changing my thoughts about her.   When she moved, I had compassion instead of judgment.   It's really amazing how our thoughts are our experience.     She didn't change anything... only I did. 

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