Sunday, June 21, 2015

My dad

This is my dad when he was about my age.... 50 something..... walking on the beach in Mexico.
Dad's body won't let him take long walks on the beach anymore, but we have our memories.

A few things my dad has taught me through his aging years..
1. Stay positive.  My dad is still very fun and funny.   He is friendly to everyone.
2. Talk to your family every day.  Phone calls of course and we have nightly dinners set up so we all get to visit one on one with dad each week while ee enjoy a meal.  Plus having Adam  and Chris live there for a bit has helped him have family in his life.
3. Continue to make plans.  I'm so happy dad is coming to Bear lake again this year.
4. Go outside every day.  Dad walks down to get his mail.  He sits outside and admires his flowers or sits out in his drive to wave at cars and speak to passersby.
5. Pray for your spouse .  My dad is continually praying for mom and hoping she's having a great day in Heaven.  Sometimes she visits him and of course he doesn't want to move or speak or she will leave.  He's always been very sweet to his sweetheart. 

It's a Happy Father's Day to him-- I love my daddy-o so much!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a wonderful tribute to an amazing man!