Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Thoughts on this Tuesday.

"You can choose to live your life with the joy of the front row 
or solemness of the third row."
The choice is yours.

 What a HUGE contrast, plus I love that they are all in dresses and hats riding a roller coaster.  

Laila, at ten years old, is still saying the sweetest prayers.  I think she always will.  Her prayers have been astounding since she could speak.  I don't know why I'm surprised.  One of the best parts of my day is kneeling at Laila's bedside for her nightly prayer.  I wish I had a recorder.... but I do commit some to memory...she is just so sincere.

In one prayer she was "thankful for all of the missionaries who serve all over the world and give two years of their life to tell everyone about Jesus, but especially bless the two missionaries I am related to.
...And thank you for Justin Beiber's birthday.
....and thanks for all the love that fills our home."

"And thank you for fasting so I can remember how good it is to eat."

"And thanks for Grandma Sheri that she can beat the cancer."

It just goes on and on....

I am so sad for all of the Tornado stuff going on.  I have cried over and over watching the devastation.  The Story that has touched me so much is  of the mom that tied a comforter around her and her two children, then laid on her kids as the house fell down around them....the kids don't have a scratch....the momma lost both of her legs and is a hero.    

I have two missionaries out for 2 more weeks. It has been a blessing to know they are working hard, gaining testimonies, and growing in the gospel. 
Monson has a new companion after only 6 weeks.  His trainer had to go on an emergency transfer to be a ZL in Kalamazoo.  ( I love the name of that city.)  So Monson is on comp #2.  His wrist is killing him.  I didn't think we would even hear about his wrist for 2 years, with no sports etc.., so I am surprised he is having this trial. 
Truman  hasn't told anyone in his area that his end is near.  I think that is funny. He is in denial, but happy we are coming to get him, and will get to travel around and see his people, and church history sites. 


...............and what about my dad's leprechaun picture as my March header???  He is the cutest, and such a great sport.  I love his little drawn mustache too.   

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