Sunday, September 13, 2009

Loaves and Fishes

This Sunday I knew I wasn't going to be cooking for a crowd, namely, my family of seven.  Wayne was coming home from Louisiana.  Tru  was in Logan.  Addison was in Ogden.  Landon was in Salt Lake.  I thought it was just going to be Monson and Laila .... so....
 I threw a few chicken breasts in the crock pot with seasonings to make a sauce and knew I could cook up some rice  after church and call it good.

When I got home from church, my whole family was there!
....I immediately thought of the paltry amount of chicken I had chunked up for the crock pot, and figured I better come up with something and do it quick, or it would be cold cereal again for these boys.
My boys are okay with cold cereal, but after a week of eating it for almost every meal while away, they want a home cooked meal when they return.
Now I'm no Si....
We all know my foodie friend who can turn a piece of meat into Beef Bourginione (spelling?) at the drop of a hat....
But I fed the masses and it felt almost biblical.

I added to the sauce of the chicken.  Cooked up mounds of rice.  Threw some instant mash potatoes together.  Created some quick dressing. Heated up a veggie.  Threw some bread and butter and tomatoes on the table....and we had a feast.

The boys kept scooping food onto their plates, seconds and thirds actually.  The food just kept coming,  AND you would have thought I was a fantastic cook.  The compliments were flying.
We never ran out and I even had left overs to send home with Landon.

So Julia Child-- eat your heart out.
Thank goodness for poor college food.  IT makes what I serve up taste so much better.


Erin Blake said...

now that is something I am definitely not good at. I hope I get better at that with time. ugh.

Melanie said...

WOW, you are amazing. I came home from church with everyone starving and me worn out from my musical debut. Finally was able to throw some stroganoff together and wished the whole time I had thought ahead and put a roast in the oven! (while really wishing someone would call and invite us over for dinner)

Unknown said...

You go! See you can cook! I am impressed. We should have come over for dinner. My boys were not very impressed with the Chick Food we had for dinner...

Lesley said...

All those years of recipe club paid off.


you are AWESOME!!!!!!! i'd love to get oy eyes on your recipes!


ignore my typo---
i meany MY eyes on your recipes... not OY eyes :)
