Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Cookies

Christmas cookies are so, well...... Christmasy!
We just got a big tray delivered from one of Monson's girlfriends, and we have been smiling ever since.
Getting little remembrances of love and friendship at Christmas is always nice.
I love little neighbor gifts. Treats, notes, stories, calendars, candy, hot's all good.
Some years I'm better at this neighbor gift tradition than others.
This year Wayne brought home a bunch of steak knives, so some neighbors are getting knives with a note..."We're not very SHARP, so let's CUT right to the POINT....Merry Christmas!"
I have given extension cords with-- "Extending you the warmest wishes, Merry Christmas".
I have given tissue boxes with -- "We 'tissue' a Merry Christmas."
I've given a 2 litre of Sprite-- "May your days be merry and Sprite."
You can probably see the pattern.
I usually give an object that can be purchased....not FOOD that I've made.
The boys have pretty much banned me from cooking treats and giving them away. If I know I'm giving it away, the treat usually "fails".
I've resorted to cereal cooking-- Good Junk and Muddy Buddies.....all out of Chex Mix.
Yeah for cereal recipes.
These are hard to mess up.
This year I branched out a bit, and for a few neighbors, gave Muddy Buddies, that we called Reindeer food.
It's great to have neighbors who like you whether you give them something or not....and who bring Christmas Cookies.

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